Jumping and shooting animation

Besides the fact that jumping is a complex process, its animation can be very simple. Based on the apparent motion phenomenon, only the key phases of the process are needed. The most important one is the preparation sequence. You need to convince the audience that the character has accumulated enough amounts of potential energy before the jump. Like a spring, he must illustrate tight compression. As shown in the following figure, give a small pause to demonstrate the pose and release, thereafter rushing the figure into the air. When the character soars, only a phase image can be used. The final section is landing. It should also express the fact that the figure has weight and flexibility.

Jumping and shooting animation

In general, the shooting sequence requires only one to be involved. The character lifts it up, aims, and shoots. The gun demonstrates a slight recoil and that is it. The best result can give the character the ability to run and aim simultaneously. It looks stunning, but it requires additional frames in the animation sheet.

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