
Book Description

Simplify the implementation of BlackBerry Enterprise Server in your corporate environment

  • Install, configure, and manage a BlackBerry Enterprise Server
  • Use Microsoft Internet Explorer along with Active X plugins to control and administer the BES with the help of Blackberry Administration Service
  • Troubleshoot, monitor, and offer high availability of the BES in your organization
  • Updated to the latest version - BlackBerry Enterprise Server 5 Implementation Guide

In Detail

BlackBerry Enterprise Server (BES) is a platform that extends corporate messaging and collaboration services to BlackBerry devices. It supports management and administration of devices, and also supports deployment of third-party applications on the BlackBerry device platform. The basics of installing BlackBerry Enterprise Server are familiar for most administrators, but the server is infinitely configurable and contains extended administration features.

This book focuses on BlackBerry Enterprise Server for Microsoft Exchange, providing detailed information on planning and implementing a BlackBerry Enterprise Server deployment. It will show you how to use the BES to manage the flow of e-mail data ensuring that it is directed to its ultimate destination – the BlackBerry Smartphone. It covers all the new features of the BES version 5.0 and also looks at areas that have been enhanced from the previous versions. If you are new to BlackBerry Enterprise Server, this is the perfect guide to help with your planning and deployment.

BlackBerry Enterprise Server supports a variety of messaging platforms, including Microsoft Exchange, IBM Lotus Domino, and Novell GroupWise. As you begin reading this book you will first learn about the two prominent features introduced with BES 5: BlackBerry Administration Service Console and Server Routing Protocol. As you proceed further you will learn about 200 more configurable IT Policies provided by BES 5 as opposed to the earlier versions. We will look at Mobile Data Service and third-party applications that can be deployed to BlackBerry devices. We will also look at a monitoring portal included in the installation process of BES 5, which provides health scores to check the BES performance and a much more stable and robust SNMP. Written by mobile and wireless technology experts, this book provides a detailed approach to installing, configuring, and managing your BlackBerry Enterprise Server.

A straightforward guide to setting up your BlackBerry Enterprise Server, provisioning users and devices, and implementing administrative techniques

Table of Contents

  1. BlackBerry Enterprise Server 5 Implementation Guide
    1. BlackBerry Enterprise Server 5 Implementation Guide
    2. Credits
    3. About the Author
    4. About the Reviewer
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    6. Preface
      1. What this book covers
      2. What you need for this book
      3. Who this book is for
      4. Conventions
      5. Reader feedback
      6. Customer support
        1. Errata
        2. Piracy
        3. Questions
    7. 1. Introduction to BES 5
      1. New features of BES 5.0
      2. BES version 5.0 architecture
        1. Databases
        2. MAPI and CDO files
      3. BES network requirements
      4. BESAdmin account
      5. Lab 1 — installing BlackBerry Enterprise Server 5.0
      6. Creating the service account — besadmin
        1. Assigning a mailbox to the besadmin user
        2. Assigning Microsoft Exchange permissions to the service account
        3. Assigning Microsoft Windows permissions to the service account
          1. Configuring Microsoft Exchange permissions for the service account
          2. Enabling the database server
        4. Creating the BlackBerry configuration database
          1. Setting permissions for the service account manually
          2. Setting permissions for the service account automatically
          3. Final checklist prior to installation
      7. Installing BES version 5
      8. Applying the Maintenance pack
      9. Summary
    8. 2. Understanding and Administrating BES 5
      1. Delivering messages
        1. Sending a message to a BlackBerry device
        2. Sending a message from a BlackBerry device
      2. Setting security options
        1. Understanding encryption
          1. Setting the BES encryption method
        2. Protecting content
        3. Sending PIN-to-PIN messages
      3. Logging into the BlackBerry Administration Service
      4. Lab 2
        1. Logging into the console
      5. Settings for the BlackBerry Administration Service
        1. Creating administrators and administrative roles
        2. Creating a role
        3. Creating a group
        4. Creating an administrative user
      6. Activating the Enterprise policy
        1. Setting a corporate peer-to-peer key
        2. Regenerating the transport keys — main encryption keys
      7. Summary
    9. 3. Activating Devices and Users
      1. Creating users on the BES 5.0
      2. Creating a user-based group
      3. Preparing to distribute a BlackBerry device
      4. Activating users
      5. Understanding enterprise activation
        1. Activating a device using BlackBerry Administration Service
        2. Activating devices over the wireless network — OTA
        3. Activating devices over the LAN
        4. Activating devices using BlackBerry Web Desktop Manager
        5. Activating the device over the corporate Wi-Fi
      6. Messaging environment
        1. Synchronizing organizational data
      7. Lab 3
        1. Importing users to the BlackBerry Enterprise Server
        2. Adding a user when the user is not present in the company directory lookup
        3. Setting a disclaimer at the server level for all users
        4. Setting activation passwords
        5. Sending a PIN message
        6. Applying a Level One message filter to a user
      8. Summary
    10. 4. IT Policies
      1. IT policies
        1. Creating a new IT policy
        2. Assigning an IT policy
          1. To a user
          2. To a group
        3. Rules for conflicting IT policies
        4. Setting IT policy priorities
        5. Verifying a user's IT policy
        6. Change how an IT policy is sent to a BlackBerry device
      2. Lab 4
        1. Creating the Sales Team IT policy
        2. Applying the IT policy to the sales group
        3. IT policy settings
        4. Resending the IT policy automatically to devices
        5. Deactivating devices that do not have an IT policy
        6. Troubleshooting IT policies
      3. Summary
    11. 5. Software Configuration and Java Applications
      1. Overview of the process
        1. Developing Java applications for BlackBerries
        2. Creating a shared folder on the network
          1. Application repository
        3. Application control policies
          1. Standard required
          2. Standard optional
          3. Standard disallowed
      2. Software configurations
        1. Creating a software configuration
          1. Adding a BlackBerry Java application to the software configuration
        2. Assigning the software configuration to a user
        3. Job deployment
          1. Default settings of a job schedule
          2. Changing job settings of how applications are sent to devices
          3. Installing Java applications on BlackBerry devices using the wired approach
        4. Reconciliation rules for BlackBerry Java applications
          1. Scenario one
          2. Scenario two
          3. Scenario three
          4. Scenario four
          5. Scenario five
          6. Scenario six
          7. Scenario seven
          8. Scenario eight
      3. Lab 5
        1. Changing a standard application policy
        2. Creating a custom application control policy
        3. Assigning the software configuration to a group
        4. Deploying device software to BlackBerry devices
          1. Using Desktop Manager
          2. Using Web Desktop Manager
        5. Updating the BlackBerry device software over the wireless network
        6. Deploying device software using Web Desktop Manager — an example
        7. Installing the BlackBerry device software
        8. Creating the shared folder
        9. Allowing the BlackBerry Administration Service to display the device software configuration settings
        10. Adding the shared folder to the BlackBerry Administration Service
        11. Creating the BlackBerry device software configuration
        12. Creating a software configuration for the BlackBerry device software
        13. Assigning the software configuration to a user
        14. Assigning the software configuration to a group
      4. Summary
    12. 6. MDS Applications
      1. Understanding and setting up our MDS environment
      2. Running MDS services
      3. Installing MDS runtime platform
        1. Creating a software configuration to deploy the MDS runtime platform to devices
      4. Logging in to the MDS console
        1. Adding an MDS application (Expense Tracker) to the MDS repository
        2. Sending the Expense Tracker MDS application to BlackBerry devices
        3. Configuring IT policies with respect to MDS applications
      5. Summary
    13. 7. High Availability
      1. Understanding high availability
        1. Understanding how it works
        2. Configuring high availability
        3. Examining the default threshold values and setting failovers
        4. Forcing a manual failover
        5. Introducing HA for databases
      2. Using the BlackBerry monitoring website
      3. Setting up SNMP on the BES Server
      4. Summary
    14. 8. Upgrades
      1. Upgrading from supported versions
        1. Upgrading considerations
        2. Replacing the BlackBerry manager
        3. Upgrading the database
        4. Upgrading options
        5. Upgrading procedure
          1. Backing up the BlackBerry configuration database on an SQL server
          2. Backing up the BlackBerry configuration database on lightweight MSDE
        6. Using the 'in place' procedure
      2. Upgrading your BES environment using the End Transporter tool
      3. Migrating users to the new BES server
        1. Recording the database paths
        2. Using the Transporter tool to move BES users
          1. Understanding transport errors
      4. Summary