Applying the Maintenance pack

It is vital that we now go to the BlackBerry website and download the latest Maintenance pack (same as a service pack) for the BES 5 installation. Without installing the latest service pack, you will not be able to carry out certain practicals in Lab 2. The Maintenance pack addresses among other issues the ability to be able to log into the BlackBerry Administration Service site with a Windows domain account. Without MR1 (Maintenance Release 1) if you try to log in with a Windows account, such as the Service account besadmin more than likely you will get an error message along the lines of "the username, password, or domain is not correct. Please correct the entry". This issue occurs because the LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) password stored during the installation is hashed for additional security measures when placed in the BlackBerry Configuration Database, and the BlackBerry Administration Service site then has trouble reading the password.

Download the latest service pack and MR (Maintenance Releases) for the BES and install them before we proceed.

During the installation of the service pack, the software will check if the database — BESMgmt needs to be updated and also perform any updates required on the database. Please note, when you are installing Service Pack 1, it does seem like the fresh install we carried out earlier, except the settings we inputted would have been captured and should not be changed. If prompted, upgrade the BESMgmt configuration database and continue with the upgrade. The installation of the service pack does require a reboot. Once the system has rebooted, log back in with the besadmin account to continue the update.

When prompted join existing application pools already created, and if you have installed the MDS component, select to upgrade the database when prompted.

During the stage entitled Active Directory settings, enter the password of the Service account (this time, the password will be stored correctly in the right readable hash format). We can then start the services and we are ready for the next chapter!

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