Software configurations

Within the BlackBerry Administration Service, we can create software configurations. These help us to specify the following:

  • Specify the BlackBerry device software versions
  • Specify BlackBerry Java applications that we want to install, update, or remove from the device
  • Specify which applications are required, those that are optional or those that are not permitted on the device
  • We can also specify what action to take if applications are not listed in the software configuration that we create

The following procedure will walk through the areas revolving around a software configuration from creating it, adding a Java-based application to it, and assigning it to users and groups.

Creating a software configuration

  1. Log on to the BlackBerry Administration Service.
  2. Expand Software, select Create a software configuration.
  3. Type a name for the software configuration.
    Creating a software configuration
  4. In the Disposition for unlisted applications drop-down, choose one of the following actions to perform:
    • Optional: To allow users to install applications that are not included in the software configuration, so users will be able to install applications outside of what is listed in our software configuration
    • Disallowed: To prevent users from installing unlisted applications, so no user will be able to install an application that is not defined in the software configuration
  5. We are going to choose optional, therefore, we will also have to assign an application control policy for unlisted applications. We will choose one of the prepared application policies for unlisted applications — standard unlisted optional.
  6. Save the changes made.

Next, we have to add an application to the software configuration that we have just created; this is shown in the following procedure. We are going to add the Smart View application, which we packaged earlier on in this chapter.

Adding a BlackBerry Java application to the software configuration

  1. Log on to the BlackBerry Administration Service.
  2. Expand Software, select Manage software configurations.
  3. Select the Smart View software configuration we just created.
    Adding a BlackBerry Java application to the software configuration
  4. Click on Edit software configuration.
    Adding a BlackBerry Java application to the software configuration
  5. Select the Applications tab and click on Add applications to software configuration.
    Adding a BlackBerry Java application to the software configuration
  6. Select the application we created earlier — Smart View.
  7. In the Disposition drop-down box select one of the following options:
    • Required: This means that the application Smart View will be installed on the device automatically and the user cannot uninstall the application
    • Optional: This will allow users to install or remove the Smart View application
    • Disallowed: This will prevent the users from installing the Smart View application on their device
  8. We are going to select Required.
  9. Under the application information section, we need to assign an application control policy to the Java application. We will use the default standard required application control policy.
  10. We then have to choose the method we are going to use to deploy the application: wireless to deploy the application to devices over the air, or wired to deploy the application to devices that will be connected via USB to a PC and access BlackBerry Web Desktop Manager. We are going to select the Wireless option.
    Adding a BlackBerry Java application to the software configuration
  11. We can add multiple Java applications to a single software configuration. In order to do so we would need to repeat steps 5 to 10.
  12. Once we have added all the Java applications to this software configuration, select Add to software configuration.

Now that we have a software configuration, we need to apply it to a group of users or to an individual user. In the following procedure, we will see how to assign the software configuration to an individual user account, and then in Lab 5, we will take a look at assigning the software configuration to groups.

Assigning the software configuration to a user

  1. Expand Users.
  2. Click on Manage users.
  3. Select the user account we want to apply the software configuration to.
  4. Click on Edit user.
  5. Select the Software configuration tab, select the software configuration we just created, and click on Add (if you want to assign multiple software configurations to a user, repeat the preceding three steps).
    Assigning the software configuration to a user
    Assigning the software configuration to a user
  6. Click on Save all.

Job deployment

After you assign a software configuration to either a user or a group of users, the BlackBerry Administration Service creates a job to deliver the settings to the BlackBerry device. We can change the default settings of a job schedule and we can further customize the settings for software configuration deployment too. We should also bear in mind that IT policies also use the default settings of the job schedule, and IT policies are also sent out to devices via a job created in the job deployment section. Therefore, when we make changes to the job schedule default settings, we could experience a higher impact on our BlackBerry Enterprise Solution, as it's not just software configuration jobs that the job deployment carries out. Also, it's worth noting that these jobs are created for both IT policies and software configurations automatically by the BlackBerry Administration Service when a new addition or change is made to either an IT policy or a software configuration.

Default settings of a job schedule

  1. On the Devices menu expand Deployment jobs.
  2. Select Specify job schedule settings.
  3. Click on Edit job schedule settings.
    Default settings of a job schedule
    • Default delay: specified in minutes, this is the time that the BlackBerry Administration Service waits before it creates and processes a job; default is 15 minutes.
    • Mark job as failed: specified in days, this is when the BlackBerry Administration Service marks the job as failed; default is 30 days.
    • Purge jobs: specified in days, this is how long the BlackBerry Administration Service waits before it deletes a job that is marked completed or failed; default value is 7 days.
      Default settings of a job schedule

These can be edited to suit your organization's needs. For the purpose of this book, we are going to leave the default values.

Changing job settings of how applications are sent to devices

We can also change the way that applications are sent to a device, editing the Specify IT policy distribution settings. The options are the same as those discussed in Chapter 4, IT Policies, except they refer to how applications are sent to the device.

So once we have applied our software configuration to a user, we can check the status of the job by carrying out the following procedure:

  1. Expand Deployment jobs.
  2. Click on Manage deployment jobs.
  3. Select the job we have just deployed for the software configuration for the user.

As mentioned, we can also push the software configuration over a wired platform. This can be achieved by using the BlackBerry Desktop Manager or the BlackBerry Web Desktop Manager. Next, we look at how this can be achieved.

Installing Java applications on BlackBerry devices using the wired approach

Once we have applied the software configuration to the user or group of users, connect the user's device to a PC that can access the BlackBerry Administration Service. Under the Devices menu, expand Attached devices, select Device software, and click on Automatic installations of applications on the BlackBerry device and follow the onscreen instructions.

In Lab 5, we will be looking at how to push device software to a BlackBerry. We have mentioned on several occasions that we can assign multiple software configurations to a user or to a group. Like with IT policies, this can lead to a conflict in the settings. The BlackBerry Administration Service uses specific rules to resolve conflicting settings when multiple software configurations are applied to users or groups. For example, a user called Alex could be assigned a software configuration that allows him to install Smart View, a BlackBerry Java application. Alex is a member of the Research Team group, this group having a software configuration assigned to it that states Smart View is not permitted and cannot be installed on user's devices that belong to this group. So we have a potential conflict that needs to be reconciled. Conflicts can happen at all levels of the software configuration. For example, there can be conflicts in the application control policies for the application, in the application control policy for unlisted applications.

The BES uses predefined reconciliation rules (as with IT policies) to resolve conflict settings when multiple software configurations are assigned to users or groups. The rules will determine if the application can be installed and what API the application can access on the device. This process occurs in the background and automatically. We can go and view the outcome of the reconciliation process and the final settings applied to the device for that user, as shown further.

Reconciliation rules for BlackBerry Java applications

To demonstrate this, we will assume we have the following set up on our BES4 software configurations (SC), which have the settings as shown:

  • SC1 has 1 application — SMV version 1.0
  • SC2 has 2 applications — BGV version 2.0 and NH version 1.9
  • SC3 has 1 application — SMV version 2.0
  • SC4 has 2 applications — JU version 3.0 and MND version 7.1

We have a user called Alex who is a member of the Research Team group. Let's take a look at scenario one:

Scenario one

If we assign software configuration SC2 and SC4 to Alex's user account and SC1 to the Research Team group, then each application in SC2, SC4, and SC1 will be installed onto the BlackBerry device, as long as the device software supports the application. So the device, if it has the right device software, will have the following applications installed on it: BGV, NH, JU, MND, and SMV.

Scenario two

If we assign software configuration SC3 to Alex's user account and SC1 to the Research Team group, then we have two software configurations that have the same application but different version numbers of the application. The latest version of the application is installed. So the device will have the following applications installed: SMV Version 2.0.

Scenario three

If we assign software configuration SC1 to Alex's user account and SC3 to the Research Team group (the opposite of the previous scenario), then we have two software configurations that have the same application but different version numbers of the application. This time round SMV version 1.0 will be installed on the device. This is because a software configuration applied to a user account takes precedence over a software configuration applied to a group if there is an application conflict such as the one above. So the device will have the following applications installed: SMV Version 1.0.

Scenario four

We will now take a look at reconciliation rules for more specific settings. For this assume the following setup on the BES:

  • SC1 has an application called HR, which has the disposition set to Require and is set for wireless deployment
  • SC2 has an application called HR, which has the disposition set to Disallowed and is set for wired deployment

We still have a user called Alex who is a member of the Research Team group.

So we have two software configurations both with the same application, but different disposition settings:

  • Required: It installs automatically on the device
  • Optional: It allows the user to choose to install the application
  • Disallowed: It prevents the application being installed.

They also have different deployment settings:

  • Wireless: It pushes the application over the air
  • Wired: It installs the application via BlackBerry Desktop Manager or BlackBerry Web Desktop Manager

SC1 is applied to Alex and SC2 is applied to the Research Team group. The disposition setting for a software configuration assigned to a user will take precedence over the one assigned to a group. So Alex's device will have the application installed on the device automatically as the disposition setting for SC1 is required.

Scenario five

Using the same software configurations as those in scenario four, if SC1 and SC2 was assigned to the Research Team (so both software configurations are assigned to the same level groups) then the required disposition has precedence over the optional, which has precedence over the disallowed. So Alex's device would have the application installed automatically. Once the disposition is reconciled, then the BES will look at reconciling the deployment method.

Scenario six

SC1 is applied to Alex and SC2 is applied to the Research Team group. The deployment method for a software configuration assigned to a user will take precedence over one assigned to a group. So Alex's device will have the application installed wirelessly on the device.

Scenario seven

SC1 and SC2 are assigned to the Research Team, the wireless settings will take precedence over the wired settings when the applications are both the same. So Alex's device will have the application installed wirelessly over the air.

Scenario eight

Finally, there are reconciliation rules for when multiple software configurations are created, and the device is running out or is low on memory. The reconciliation takes place as follows:

  • Required applications for wireless deployment are installed first
  • Then required applications for wired deployment are installed next
  • Then optional applications for wireless deployment are installed
  • Finally, optional applications for wired deployment are installed

In Lab 5, we will be looking at reconciliation rules for BlackBerry device software and the options available for application control policies when deploying device software.

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