Chapter 34. Understanding AutoLISP and Visual LISP Basics

AutoLISP is a programming language supported by AutoCAD that can greatly enhance your productivity by automating often-used or repetitive tasks. AutoLISP provides a glimpse into the inner workings of AutoCAD and can serve as an excellent steppingstone to learning more advanced automation methods, such as ObjectARX and VBA. An AutoLISP routine gives you complete control over its interaction with the user and what it does after it's loaded.


AutoCAD LT does not support AutoLISP. This entire chapter is for AutoCAD only.

You can type AutoLISP expressions on the command line in response to prompts, or you can save your code to a file that you can load and use when needed. AutoLISP offers wide and varied possibilities for shortcuts. Best of all, you can customize AutoLISP to any level of complexity.

AutoLISP intimidates many AutoCAD users, but the many benefits well justify the time that you invest to learn this full-featured programming language.

You can also find a tremendous number of AutoLISP routines on the Internet. Many CAD Web sites offer huge libraries of AutoLISP routines as free downloads. (For more details, see Appendix B.) Many CAD offices have created AutoLISP routines to expedite some common tasks.

LISP stands for List Processing (not Lists in Silly Parentheses, as some say!). As you see in the next chapter, the understanding of lists is crucial to using AutoLISP.

Most AutoLISP routines define a command name, which you then type at the command line in AutoCAD to run the routine. Some routines include a dialog box to help you choose options and specifications.

Introducing Visual LISP

Visual LISP (VLISP) is an integrated development environment (IDE) that provides an easy-to-use editor to help you create code, debug errors, and test programs. You can write AutoLISP code in Notepad or any text editor, but the Visual LISP editor offers many advantages:

  • Syntax checker, color coding, and highlighting to help correct syntax errors

  • File compilation for security and faster execution

  • Debugger, with support for stepping through source code to find errors

  • Inspect and Watch windows for querying a value or examining a variable during execution

  • Context-sensitive help

  • Management of multiple file applications from a project window

  • Console history, which makes it possible to recall previously entered information

Opening Visual LISP

Opening Visual LISP

Opening and loading an AutoLISP file with Visual LISP

As soon as you're in the Visual LISP environment, you can create a new AutoLISP file or open an existing file. To edit or view a file in the Visual LISP text editor, follow these steps:

  1. Choose File

    Opening and loading an AutoLISP file with Visual LISP
  2. In the Open File to Edit/View dialog box, locate and choose the file that you want to open.

  3. Click Open. Visual LISP opens the file in its own window, as shown in Figure 34.1.

When you open a file, the title bar of its window displays a blank paper icon to show that the file has not been changed. If you make any changes to the file, Visual LISP adds a pencil to the image to show that you've edited the file.

Loading an AutoLISP file

To use the AutoLISP program in AutoCAD, you must load it. You can load it from within Visual LISP or from within AutoCAD.

Loading an AutoLISP file

If you're in AutoCAD, you can load AutoLISP files into AutoCAD in two main ways. One method is at the command line. To load circle3.lsp from the command line, type (load "circle3")

Loading an AutoLISP file

When you enter the command to load circle3.lsp, AutoCAD searches all the support paths for a file called circle3.lsp. At installation time, AutoCAD automatically configures the support-file search path to include the path of AutoCAD 2010Support. For a full list of folders in thesupport-file search path, choose Application Button

Loading an AutoLISP file
An AutoLISP file open in its own window in the Visual LISP editor.

Figure 34.1. An AutoLISP file open in its own window in the Visual LISP editor.


AutoLISP files have the extension of .lsp. However, for security and speed, you can compile AutoLISP routines as .fas or .vlx project application files. AutoCAD loads .vlx first, then .fas, and .lsp files last. For example, if you have both a redline.vlx file and a redline.lsp file, AutoCAD loads the redline.vlx file. If, however, the .lsp file is newer than the .fas file, AutoCAD will load the .lsp file. If an AutoLISP file is associated with a menu, it has a .mnl extension. For more information, see Chapter 33.

If your file is not in a folder in AutoCAD's support-file search path, then you must specify the full path name. To specify the full path to a routine, you would enter:

(load "c:/Program Files/AutoCAD 2010/Support/circle3") 
An AutoLISP file open in its own window in the Visual LISP editor.


(load "c:\Program Files\AutoCAD 2010\Support\circle3") 
An AutoLISP file open in its own window in the Visual LISP editor.

The backslash () has special meaning in AutoLISP, so you need to use two of them or a regular slash (/) when specifying a path. (The backslash character tells AutoLISP to interpret the following character as a special control code. For example, to use a double quote in an AutoLISP expression, precede it with a backslash.)

An AutoLISP file open in its own window in the Visual LISP editor.
The Load/Unload Applications dialog box.

Figure 34.2. The Load/Unload Applications dialog box.

If you check the Add to History check box, AutoCAD lists previously loaded applications in the dialog box — just click the History List tab. Locate and choose the file you want to load, and click Load.


If you want to use a routine regularly, you can add it to the Startup Suite, which loads it whenever you start AutoCAD. Locate the AutoLISP file in the Load/Unload Applications dialog box and drag it to the Startup Suite area of the dialog box.

Using an AutoLISP routine in AutoCAD

After you load an AutoLISP routine, you can use it. How you use the routine depends on the routine. If the program creates a function, then you can type the function's name on the command line like any other AutoCAD command. Most routines contain prompts to guide you in their use.


The AutoLISP file used in the following exercise on loading and using an AutoLISP routine, circle3.lsp, is in the Drawings folder on the DVD.

STEPS: Loading and Using an AutoLISP Routine

  1. Use Windows Explorer to copy circle3.lsp from the DVD to your AutoCAD 2010Support folder, or to a folder that you added to the support-file search path.

  2. Create a new drawing by using any template.

  3. Using an AutoLISP routine in AutoCAD
  4. If any AutoLISP files are displayed in the main area, click their Close boxes.

  5. Choose Open on the Standard toolbar. In the Open File to Edit/View dialog box, navigate to the folder where you saved circle3.lsp and double-click it. It appears in a new window within the Visual LISP editor.

  6. Using an AutoLISP routine in AutoCAD
  7. Using an AutoLISP routine in AutoCAD
  8. Now that circle3.lsp has been loaded, at the command prompt, type circle3

    Using an AutoLISP routine in AutoCAD
  9. At the Please click a point: prompt, pick any point on-screen. You see a 3-unit radius circle with its center at the point that you picked.

  10. Save your drawing in your AutoCAD Bible folder as ab34-01.dwg.


You can also load AutoLISP routines by dragging and dropping LSP files into the drawing window from Windows Explorer.

Looking at an AutoLISP routine

To examine the contents of the circle3.lsp file, open it in the Visual LISP editor. Figure 34.3 shows the circle3 routine. At this point, ignore the color formatting, which is discussed later in this chapter.

The circle3 AutoLISP routine.

Figure 34.3. The circle3 AutoLISP routine.

This figure illustrates several general characteristics of AutoLISP routines:

  • As in many programming languages, indentation is used in AutoLISP to make it easier to read the code. It has no effect on the operation of the routine.

  • The returns at the end of each line also make it easier to read and understand the code. All five lines could be placed on a single line, and the program would work exactly the same way.

  • All AutoLISP statements are placed in parentheses. Therefore, whenever you open a parenthesis, you must close it. Every AutoLISP routine must have the same number of left and right parentheses. The physical location of a right parenthesis is not relevant; it can be placed on a new line or positioned several spaces away from the left parenthesis. In both cases, the pair is interpreted the same way.

  • You interpret AutoLISP from the innermost parenthetical elements first. For example, on line 3 of the code shown in Figure 34.3, (getpoint) is done first, and then the result is used for the (setq pt (getpoint)) expression. This is analogous to mathematics, as in the expression (3 + (5 × 4)), where 5 × 4 is computed first, and the result is added to 3.

  • At the end of the first line is a comment, ;Creates a circle of radius 3. The program ignores any text preceded by a semicolon. Use this technique to place explanations in your routines to help you and others understand what the routine is doing.

The following explains the routine in Figure 34.3 line by line:

  • Line 1 begins with an open parenthesis that is balanced with the one on line 5. This pair of parentheses delineates the body of the function. The line begins with defun, which stands for define function, and the function is called c:circle3. When you prefix the function with c:, you can use it in AutoCAD by just entering circle3 at the command line like any other AutoCAD command. (The c: stands for command and has no relation to your hard drive, which is also usually called c:.) You could use just circle3, but you would have to type (circle3) at the command line to use the routine. The last item on Line 1 is (/ pt). The pt after the slash means that pt is a local variable. A variable stores a value for later use in the routine. A local variable is used only in its own routine and is not retained for use in other routines. If you replaced (/ pt) with simply ( ), the pt variable would be available to other AutoLISP routines as well.

  • Line 2 is the simplest line in this routine. It simply prints the statement Please click a point: at the command line. Anything in the quotes after PROMPT will be printed on the AutoCAD command line. The statement is used as a prompt to tell the user to pick a point. Putting before the prompt puts it on a new line and is for readability purposes.

  • Line 3 is typical of AutoLISP routines that contain nested parentheses. Remember to read from the innermost parenthetical element outward. Thus, reading from the innermost parenthetical element, you have first (getpoint). This means to simply get a point. Any of the AutoCAD input methods work, such as clicking the screen, typing coordinates for a point, or using object snaps. Reading outward you have (setq pt (getpoint)). The statement setq means that the variable pt is set to whatever comes back from getpoint. Therefore, if you enter the coordinates 2,2 by typing them or selecting them on the screen, the variable pt equals 2,2.

  • Line 4 reads (command "_circle" pt "3"). The COMMAND function in AutoLISP is one of the easier functions to understand. It simply executes whatever AutoCAD command is specified in the quotes that follow, using all subsequent arguments. When the CIRCLE command is invoked in AutoCAD, it asks for the center point first and then the radius. Line 4 starts the CIRCLE command, uses for the center point whatever is assigned to the variable pt, and sets the radius to 3 units.


An underscore precedes the CIRCLE command so that it can be translated into other language versions of AutoCAD. Without the underscore, the CIRCLE command will not be recognized by a non-English version of AutoCAD. For example, CIRCLE in the French version is CERCLE. By using the underscore, the French version of AutoCAD will understand the use of the CIRCLE command. It functions as a built-in language translator for AutoCAD.

Using the Visual LISP editor

The Visual LISP editor contains a number of tools that make your programming life simpler. These tools represent the difference from the old way of writing AutoLISP code, which involved creating text files in a text editor. The visual way involves working with tools that help you format and complete your code. Some of the more useful tools include:

  • Using the Visual LISP editor
  • Using the Visual LISP editor
  • Using the Visual LISP editor
  • Using the Visual LISP editor
  • Parentheses Matching. The most common error for an AutoLISP programmer is incorrect parentheses matching. Visual LISP enables you to jump between matching parentheses and to quickly check your current nesting level as you develop your application. While you can use the menu items (choose Edit

    Using the Visual LISP editor


    You can highlight all the code between matching parentheses. To highlight from left to right, place the cursor in front of a left parenthesis and press Ctrl+Shift+] or simply double-click. To highlight from right to left (backwards), place the cursor after a right parenthesis and press Ctrl+Shift+[ or double-click.

  • Using the Visual LISP editor
  • Using the Visual LISP editor
  • Using the Visual LISP editor

Another feature of Visual LISP is the Console window. The Console window usually resides at the bottom of the Visual LISP window. The Console window is similar to the AutoCAD command line. Just as you can enter AutoLISP expressions on the AutoCAD command line, as explained later in this chapter, you can also enter AutoLISP expressions in the Console window and see the results. Each line uses a _$ prompt.

A nice feature of the Console window is that Visual LISP remembers everything that you enter. You can retrieve it by pressing Tab for a forward history or Shift+Tab for a backward history.

Closing a file and Visual LISP

To close a file within Visual LISP, click its Close button. (You can also press Ctrl+F4.) To exit Visual LISP, click its Close button or press Alt+F4. As with AutoCAD, Visual LISP warns you about saving your changes.


The file used in the following exercise on using the Visual LISP editor, ab34-a.lsp, is in the Drawings folder on the DVD.

STEPS: Using the Visual LISP Editor

  1. From AutoCAD, choose Manage tab

    Closing a file and Visual LISP
  2. Choose Open File on the Standard toolbar, and open ab34-a.lsp from the DVD. Save the file as ab34-01.lsp in your AutoCAD Bible folder.

  3. Closing a file and Visual LISP
  4. Select the line of the code that reads:

    (command "_circle" pt "3")
  5. Closing a file and Visual LISP
  6. Closing a file and Visual LISP
  7. Closing a file and Visual LISP
  8. In the Visual LISP Console window, type (c:circle3) and press Enter. Visual LISP returns you to AutoCAD and starts the routine. Pick a point. When you're done, you're automatically returned to the Visual LISP editor.

  9. Click the text editor window and choose Save File. Click the Close button at the top-right corner of the text editor window to close the AutoLISP file.

  10. Click the Close button at the top-right corner of your screen to close Visual LISP.

Getting Help in Visual LISP

Visual LISP offers two ways for you to get help while writing AutoLISP code: context-sensitive help on any term that you select, and the overall Help system.

Getting Help in Visual LISP

To open the entire Visual LISP and ActiveX Help system, choose Help

Getting Help in Visual LISP

All these help features can be a bit overwhelming, but for AutoLISP and Visual LISP you basically have three choices:

  • AutoLISP Reference. This guide is equivalent to the Command Reference in AutoCAD's Help system. Here you'll find an alphabetical list of all AutoLISP functions.

  • AutoLISP Developer's Guide. This guide is equivalent to the AutoCAD User's Guide. It contains all the basic topics that you need to know to program in Visual LISP.

  • AutoLISP Tutorial. This is a tutorial that creates a garden path.

Working with AutoLISP Expressions

As with any programming language, AutoLISP has its own functions and syntax. This section explains how to start writing AutoLISP code. One big advantage to AutoLISP is that you can test your code immediately, unlike the case with languages that you need to compile first. For compiled languages, such as ObjectARX, every time a code change is made, the code must be recompiled and re-linked before you can see the changes in AutoCAD.

Understanding AutoLISP syntax

In AutoLISP's syntax, an operator always comes first, followed by a number of operands. An operator can be thought of as a function that does something, and the operands are the elements on which the function operates. Place a space between each component of the statement.

Another way to describe the syntax of AutoLISP is that, within each set of parentheses, the first item is a function, and what follows are parameters or arguments to that function.

Working with numbers and text

Table 34 lists the basic arithmetic functions. You can use these functions on anything that has a value. For example, if you create a variable with a value of 2, you can use that variable with the arithmetic functions.

Table 34.1. Basic Arithmetic Functions











Square root

Table 34.1 lists only a few fundamental arithmetic operators (or functions). You can find more operators in the AutoLISP Function Synopsis under the Appendixes topic of the AutoLISP Developer's Guide, under Basic Functions

Basic Arithmetic Functions

Some fundamental arithmetic operations can provide a feel for the fundamentals. If you type (+ 2 3)

Basic Arithmetic Functions

To nest expressions, simply add another set of parentheses to enclose the nested expression. For example, when you enter (* 5 (+ 2 3)), AutoCAD responds with 25. The nested expression is evaluated from the innermost parenthesis pair out; first 2 and 3 are added, and then that sum is multiplied by 5.

Working with floating-point numbers (numbers with decimal points) is as easy as working with integers. If you type (/ 7.3 5.84)

Basic Arithmetic Functions


If you're using a number less than 1, you must include the leading 0, as in (+ 2.5 0.5).

Working with text is as easy as working with numbers. In AutoLISP, a string is simply a series of text characters. Table 34.2 lists some common string functions.

Table 34.2. Basic String Functions




Concatenates (attaches) strings to one another.


Returns (provides you with) a substring (a portion) of a string. The first argument is the string, the second is an integer that specifies the position of the first character that you want, and the third (optional) is the number of characters that you want.


Calculates string length; returns the number of characters, including spaces in the string.

Here are two examples:

(strcat "Today is " "a good day" ".")
"Today is a good day."
(substr "Today is a good day." 12 4)

STRCAT stands for string concatenate and appends one string with another. Any number of strings can come after the STRCAT function. (There are three strings enclosed in quotes in the above STRCAT example.)

SUBSTR stands for substring, and in the above example it returns the four characters starting at position 12.


The first character of the string for SUBSTR is number 1. However, other functions that process elements of a list (such as NTH) count the first element as 0.

Table 34.3 offers you a few more functions that work with numbers and strings.

Table 34.3. AutoLISP Functions for Numbers and Strings




Returns the absolute value of the argument. (ABS −76) returns 76.


Returns the ASCII code of a character. (ASCII "B") returns 66.


Returns the text string for an ASCII code. (CHR 66) returns "B". (Stands for character.)


Converts a string to an integer. (ATOI "2.7") returns 2. (Stands for ASCII to integer.)


Converts a string to a real number. (ATOF "7.6") returns 7.6. (Stands for ASCII to float, as in floating point — that is, a real number.)


Converts an integer to a text string. (ITOA 76) returns "76". (Stands for integer to ASCII.)


Converts a real number to a text string, enclosed in quotes. You can add a mode (1=scientific, 2=decimal, 3=engineering, 4=architectural, 5=fractional) and a precision. Otherwise, RTOS uses the current settings. (RTOS 87.3 2 2) returns "87.30". (RTOS stands for real to string.)


Equal to. Returns T for true if all arguments are numerically equal. (= 3 3.0) returns T. If the arguments are not equal, it returns nil.


Not equal to. Returns T if all arguments are not numerically equal. (/= 5 6) returns T. If they are equal, it returns nil.


Less than. Returns T if each argument is numerically less than the next argument. Otherwise returns nil.


Greater than. Returns T if each argument is numerically greater than the next argument. Otherwise returns nil.


Greater than or equal to. Returns T if each argument is numerically greater than or equal to the next argument. Otherwise returns nil.


Less than or equal to. Returns T if each argument is numerically less than or equal to the next argument. Otherwise returns nil.

Using AutoLISP on the Command Line

You can use AutoLISP on the fly in AutoCAD because it is interpreted. By typing an expression on the command line, you get the result immediately. An interpreted language is one in which a single source statement is translated to machine language and executed, and then each subsequent source statement is operated on in the same way. This enables interactive entry of AutoLISP code into AutoCAD.

The output of an AutoLISP expression can be used in response to AutoCAD prompts as well. For example, you can type (+ 1 7) at the Diameter/<Radius>: prompt of the CIRCLE command for a circle with a radius of 8 units. This capability to place AutoLISP expressions into AutoCAD commands is a very powerful tool.

If you leave out a closing parenthesis, AutoCAD returns (_> when you press Enter. This tells you that one open parenthesis has not been closed. If two open parentheses remain to be closed, AutoCAD responds with ((_>. Just type the correct number of closing parentheses at the command line and press Enter. AutoCAD accepts the expression.

STEPS: Working with Numbers and Text on the Command Line

  1. Open a new drawing by using any template.

  2. Type circle

    Using AutoLISP on the Command Line
    Specify center point for circle or [3P/2P/Ttr (tan tan radius)]: Pick any point.
    Specify radius of circle or [Diameter]: (− 5 3) 
    Using AutoLISP on the Command Line

    AutoCAD draws a circle with a radius of 2.

  3. Type (strcat "This is an example of " "regular text.")

    Using AutoLISP on the Command Line
  4. Press the up-arrow key. AutoCAD repeats the last line. Press the left-arrow key to move to the right of the last r in regular, and press Backspace to delete the word regular. Type italic

    Using AutoLISP on the Command Line
  5. Save the drawing in your AutoCAD Bible folder as ab34-02.dwg.


When you create AutoLISP expressions on the command line or in the Console window, they aren't saved with the drawing. They have the same status as any input that you type at the command line.

Creating AutoLISP Files

If you want to use your AutoLISP expressions more than a couple of times, you should save them in a file. Create the routine in Visual LISP and choose Save File.


A common practice is to consolidate all AutoLISP routines in one folder to make it easier to store and find them. To do this, you can create a folder called LISP in any drive or folder where you keep files that you create, and then choose Application Button

Creating AutoLISP Files

Because AutoCAD can open multiple drawings, you need to organize your AutoLISP routines based on whether you want them to apply to all drawings or just the first drawing that you open.

AutoCAD offers two LSP files that you can use for your AutoLISP routines:

  • acad.lsp. Use this file for routines that customize the initialization of AutoCAD. acad.lsp is not automatically loaded for every consecutive drawing. For example, if you want to load a special menu for only a specific drawing, you could put the routine in acad.lsp. (You can choose to load acad.lsp with every drawing. Choose Application Button

    Creating AutoLISP Files
  • acaddoc.lsp. Use this file for routines that customize the initialization of individual drawings. This file is loaded every time a drawing is opened. If you have a menu that contains AutoLISP macros that include variables that you want to be available for all your drawings, put the AutoLISP routines used by the menu in acaddoc.lsp.

Each drawing contains its own AutoLISP environment. AutoLISP files that you load in one drawing, along with their variables, won't be accessible to another drawing. To share functions, use (VL-LOAD-ALL "filename") rather than (load "filename"), where filename is the name of the AutoLISP file. This enables you to "populate" every current drawing, as well as any new drawing that you may create. The VL-LOAD-ALL function is equivalent to placing an AutoLISP routine in acaddoc.lsp.

Creating AutoLISP Files
A new AutoLISP document in the Visual LISP editor.

Figure 34.4. A new AutoLISP document in the Visual LISP editor.

Table 34.4. Visual LISP Editor Coloring System


AutoLISP Syntax Element


Built-in functions and protected symbols


Text strings




Real numbers

Purple on gray background





Unrecognized items, such as variables that you've created

If you want, you can customize these colors. From the Visual LISP menu, choose Tools

Visual LISP Editor Coloring System

STEPS: Creating a New Visual LISP File

  1. Start a new drawing by using any template. You shouldn't have any other drawings open.

  2. Choose Manage tab

    Visual LISP Editor Coloring System
  3. Visual LISP Editor Coloring System
  4. Type the following:

    ;draws a horizontal line 3 units long
    (defun c:line3 (/ pt)
    (prompt "
    Please pick a point: ")
    (setq pt (getpoint))
    (command "_line" pt "@3,0" "")
  5. Select the first line of text and choose Comment Block from the Tools toolbar.

  6. Choose Format Edit Window from the Tools toolbar to format the code.

  7. Choose Check Edit Window and look at the result in the Build Output window.

  8. Click the Visual LISP Editor to activate it again.

  9. Choose Load Active Edit Window to load the routine.

  10. Choose Activate AutoCAD from the View toolbar.

  11. On the command line or at the dynamic input tooltip, type line3

    Visual LISP Editor Coloring System
  12. At the Please pick a point: prompt, use any method to specify a point. AutoCAD draws a horizontal line 3 units long.

  13. Use the Windows task bar to return to the Visual LISP editor.

  14. Click the Visual LISP editor to activate it. Choose Save File on the Standard toolbar. Save the routine as ab34-02.lsp in your AutoCAD Bible folder.

  15. Close the Visual LISP editor by clicking its Close button. Do not save your drawing.


This chapter covers the fundamentals of AutoLISP programming and the Visual LISP environment. You read about:

  • How to open the Visual LISP editor and load and use AutoLISP files

  • How to use AutoLISP on the command line

  • What AutoLISP routines look like

  • How to get help in Visual LISP

  • The basic structure of AutoLISP syntax, as well as how to work with numbers and text

In the next chapter, you examine how to create variables, work with AutoCAD commands and system variables, modify AutoCAD objects (or entities, as they're often still called in AutoLISP), and work with the fundamental units of AutoLISP, known as lists.

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