Chapter 5. Icons, Images, and Text

If you are serious about wireframing then, before long, you will be creating some very interesting designs, much of which will contain icons, images, and text. We have already used all three in the previous chapters and now it is time to take a closer look, utilizing what you already know and building upon it.


As a reminder, all the examples in this chapter, and throughout this book, were created using the latest version of Balsamiq, 2.1.19 at the time of this writing. If you are using an older version, some of the examples presented in this chapter may not work.

The following list shows what we will cover in this chapter:

  • Exploring icons
  • Importing icons
  • Images
  • Text usage and formatting
  • Additional tips

Exploring icons

One of my favorite things about Balsamiq is its attention to detail, expressed not only through the application's ease of use, but also via the many tools that allow for a clear and concise visual expression of ideas.

Let's explore some of them by re-creating the following mockup:

Exploring icons

This mockup re-creates a user profile, along with functionality that will allow for interactivity, but we will get into that a little later. For now, let's get started by building this wireframe.

Perform the following steps:

  1. Open project_mockup_2.bmml.

    We will start with the component called George's Friends, located under George's ToDos in the right-hand column, as shown in the following screenshot:

    Exploring icons
  2. Copy and paste the George's ToDos component.
  3. Set Pos:866,339.
  4. Change the title of the new component to George's Friends.
  5. Bring the data table into edit mode by double-clicking on it.
  6. Remove all the items in the second column.

    Removing a column is as easy as deleting any text that follows a comma. Be sure to delete the comma as well.

  7. Next, edit the remaining text by typing the names in the example or make up your own. Just be sure to create enough names so that you have five rows.

When you are finished, your component should look something like the following screenshot:

Exploring icons
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