List of Illustrations



Map   1.

The Wine and Brandy Districts of France

Map   2.

French Wine Production, 1852

Map   3.

French Wine Production, 1900–1909

Map   4.

The Spread of Phylloxera in France

Map   5.

The Midi (Languedoc-Rousillon)

Map   6.

The Bordeaux Wine Regions

Map   7.

The Champagne Region

Map   8.

Portugal and the Porto Region

Map   9.

The Wine Districts of Spain

Map   10.

The Jerez Region

Map   11.

California Wine Districts

Map   12.

The Australian States

Map   13.

Mendoza and San Juan Regions


Figure   2.1.

Price Movements in Paris, 1840–1913

Figure   2.2.

French Wine Prices, 1850–1913

Figure   2.3.

Area of Vines and Wine Production in France, 1833–1911

Figure   2.4.

Movement in Nominal Wages and Wine Prices in France, 1850–1913

Figure   2.5.

Net Exports of Wine from the Major Producer Countries, 1831–1913

Figure   2.6.

International Wine Prices, 1850–1913

Figure   3.1.

French Wine Production, Consumption, and Prices, 1851–1912

Figure   4.1.

Wine Consumed in the United Kingdom, 1815–1914

Figure   4.2.

UK Imports of Sherry and “Spanish White” Wines, 1850–1905

Figure   4.3.

Wine Exports from Bordeaux to the United Kingdom, 1825–1911

Figure   4.4.

Exports of Champagne to the United Kingdom, 1831–1911

Figure   4.5.

UK Imports of Port Wine, 1814–1910

Figure   4.6.

Prices of Cheap Iberian Wines in London, 1869–94

Figure   5.1.

Bordeaux Wine Exports in Barrels, 1850–1914

Figure   5.2.

Bordeaux Wine Exports in Bottles, 1850–1914

Figure   5.3.

The Gironde’s Wine Production and Exports, 1875–1910

Figure   6.1.

Grape Prices in the Champagne Region

Figure   7.1.

Portuguese Exports of Port Wine

Figure   7.2.

UK Imports of Generic Port Wines

Figure   7.3.

UK Imports of Port and Spanish Red

Figure   8.1.

Price of Must in Jerez, 1840–1880

Figure   9.1.

U.S. and California Wine Production, 1871–1912

Figure   9.2.

California Grape Prices and Wine Prices (Equivalent per Ton of Grapes), 1888–1907

Figure   9.3.

California Prices for Dry Red and Dessert Wines, 1891–1913

Figure   9.4.

Cartoon, “What the French Wine Strike Is Proving”

Figure   9.5.

California Production of Dry and Dessert Wines, 1891–1913

Figure   9.6.

Grapes Used in Wine and Brandy Production

Figure   10.1.

Australian Production and UK Imports

Figure   11.1.

Grape Prices in Mendoza, 1893–1920

Figure   11.2.

Argentine Immigration, 1875–77 to 1917–19

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