
An open source content management system (CMS) like Drupal can be a great resource for anyone who would like to develop and maintain a website. In the past, in order to make a website, you had to manually assemble all the files and develop a fair amount of technical expertise; however, a CMS can automate and significantly simplify many parts of the process.

What You’ll Find in this Book

This book contains an easy-to-understand introduction to related concepts, and a series of step-by-step examples that can help you learn how to use Drupal to create and maintain a website. The coverage includes using a “quick-install” Web hosting account, which can greatly reduce the complexity of installing Drupal. (Drupal software is free, but you need a monthly Internet hosting account to run it.)

Who this Book is for

You’ll find that this book is written with beginners in mind; no prior expertise is required, except some familiarity with how to browse the Internet and use a PC. For example, in order to help build confidence and experience, an early chapter introduces readers to Google Sites (a basic alternative to Drupal), which is entirely free and can be a good place to start learning about content management systems.

Like any software, Drupal is not perfect, and its limitations are discussed openly, with suggestions especially suited for beginners on how to overcome them.

How this Book is Organized

The first part of the book introduces the reader to content management systems, including taking a look at Google Sites, to help build confidence. This section also provides an introduction to, where you can try a live demo of an open source CMS, and takes a look at a live Drupal site, to provide further exposure to CMS concepts.

The second part is focused on starting an account, installing Drupal with a timesaving “one-click” installation tool, and covering important basics such as security and basic configuration. Then the reader is introduced to adding content to the site, which includes learning about various modules that can add additional features and functions.

The third part introduces some techniques and concepts for promoting a site once it is created, using social networks and social advertising. This section also explores the concept of integrating content from Facebook onto a Drupal site and vice versa.

Companion Website

The book has a companion website,, which is referenced throughout the book. You may download the companion website files from Please note that you will be redirected to the Cengage Learning site.

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