Editing Content

To edit content, when you’re logged in, you can navigate to an individual article or page, and edit the content or adjust settings. For example, I could visit the site and click the About tab to select the About page that I created (see Figure 11.9).

Figure 11.9. Click the About tab.

And if I look in the browser bar (Clean URLs are not yet enabled for this site— they allow you to have addresses without node/number), this is how the link appears:

If I wanted to change the URL settings for this article, I could click the Edit tab:

I could click the URL path settings:

Enter some text:

Click the Save button:

And at least instead of saying “node” it would say “about:”

(But I do recommend trying to enable Clean URLs, as noted in Chapter 10, “Easy Administration—Ongoing Management.”)

Editing Content—List

Another way to edit content is through the content list. Just click the “Content” link:

A list of content will appear on the Content page:

You can adjust the drop-downs to show items of a certain status or type, and the Update Options drop-down allows you to make adjustments to multiple articles or pages (see Figure 11.10). For example, you could click the checkbox next to a page, unpublish or delete it by choosing the appropriate option in the Update Options drop-down menu, and then click Update. You can also go directly to an individual article or page and click the “edit” or “delete” link.

Figure 11.10. Access an article under the Content tab.

..................Content has been hidden....................

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