Adding a Block

To add a block, click on the “Add block” link:

Then give a description, title, and type something in (see Figure 7.25).

Figure 7.25. Adding a block.

When you’re done, click Save block:

The new block you created will appear somewhere in the list of blocks (see Figure 7.26).

Figure 7.26. The new block, listed in the Disabled area.

The easiest thing to do is click on it and choose where you’d like it to appear (for example, Sidebar second), as shown in see Figure 7.27.

Figure 7.27. The pop-up menu is a quick way to reposition a block to a different region.

You can also roll your mouse pointer over the left edge of the block and drag it into position:

Then, when you have it where you like, it will have a little * symbol to show a change has been made.

Be sure to click Save blocks when you’re done playing:

Then click the “Home” link to see how it looks:

And you should see something like this, with your new block (see Figure 7.28)

Figure 7.28. If all goes well, the new block appears.

In the block management screen, using the same menu you did to change the location of the block, you can disable it, and you can also click on the “Delete” link if you want to delete a block. So I’d suggest trying to create one, put it in different positions, saving each time, looking at where it goes, and then either disabling or deleting it when you’re done. We’ll look closer at adding traditional content to your site in Chapter 11.

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