

Alpha angle, 1819



drive point impedances in, 100102

antenna input parameters, 22, 23

antenna monitor readings, 94100

base current samples, 9799

base voltage samples, 99100

height for sample loops, 9697

optimum height for sample loops in, 9596

six-tower array, day pattern, 155156

six-tower array, night pattern, 160, 161, 162

tall-tower array, 167

three-tower array, 151

antenna-tuning units (ATUs) drive voltages, 140141

impedance of, 138139

input impedances, 142

tower base impedances, 141142

transmission line impedances, 143144

array adjustment, 17

directional, 12

local and global minima in, 24

mathematical synthesis in, 2

nature of NEC-2 and, 1

physical, 2

role of NEC-2 in, 4

array geometry, 4150

array input file for, 4649

coordinate system in, 4144

example of, 4446

ATUs. See antenna-tuning units AUTOEXEC.BAT file, 17

azimuth angle, 2425

displacement, 41

six-tower array, night pattern, 164


bandwidth analysis, 133148

base drive voltages, 6380

in antenna monitor readings, 99100

current moments and, 6667, 7377

direct and induced current, 6365

drive point impedance and, 101

example of, 7279

field ratio calculation and, 6772

full power drive, 71, 7879

normalized drive, 6971, 7778

shunt reactance and, 7172

source impedance of, 137140

in system bandwidth analysis, 136, 137140

tall-tower array, 167, 168

unity drive, 6869, 7277

base insulators, 107

capacity of, 116118

drive segment radius and, 118120

modeling by measurement, 116118

in system bandwidth analysis, 135136

base loading detuning by, 8588

skirting with, 9293

Beta angle, 1819

bnec.exe, 260, 262263

reading, 1725

Burke, G. J., xiiixiv, xv, 910

buss voltage, 144145


CALL_1.NEC, 6869

CALL.NEC file running, 17


CALL_N.OUT, 71, 266

CALL.OUT, 81, 266. See also output files

CALL_1.OUT, 68

Carlier, P., xix

carrier frequency, 134

case studies, 149169

six-tower array, day pattern, 154159

six-tower array, night pattern, 160165

tall-tower array, 166169

three-tower array, 149154

CE command input file, 14, 188

NX and, 174, 176

circular polarization, 9

clip lead resistance, 107108

CM command input file, 14, 188

NX and, 174

commands. See also individual commands

comment, 187188

program control, 13, 1617, 212250

structure geometry command, 189210

comment commands, 13, 14, 187188

CE, 14, 174, 176, 188

CM, 14, 188174

common point-matching networks, 146

compass headings, 42, 4344

“Computer Analysis of the Bottom-fed Fan Antenna” (Burke and Poggio), 171

connection data, 1920

coordinate planes, reflection in, 205208

coordinate transformation, 195196

coupling calculation, 212

CP command, 212

Cram, P., xix

current in antenna monitor readings, 9799

base voltage and, 6768

direct, 6365

distribution, listing, 6, 9596

field ratios and, 82

induced, 6365

and location output file, 2223

phase shift, 140141

sinusoidal distribution of, 66

top loading, 122126

current moments, 2324

base drive voltage and, 6667

base voltage and, 6768

field ratios and, 82

unity drive, calculating, 7377

cylindrical structures, 9

generating, 198200


data command, 1213

delimiting, 12

output file, 2122

types of, 13

data storage for plotting, 128, 238239

detuning towers, 8494

by base loading, 8588

by skirting, 8994

directional antenna adjustment, 12

drive point impedance, 100102

bandwidth analysis and, 138139

base capacity and, 117118

modeling by measurement, 105120

six-tower array, day pattern, 156

six-tower array, night pattern, 161164

tall-tower array, 168

three-tower array, 152153

tower diameter and, 111114

drive segment radius, 118120

drive signal simulation, 148

drive splitting, 171173

drive voltage, 4748

dummy wires, 101


EK command, 213

in modeling by measurement, 109

elevation angle, 41, 42, 43

elliptical polarization, 9

EN command, 214

end geometry input, 191192

end of run command, 214

environment data, 2122

error messages, 251258

errors, input file, 17

excitation command. See EX command

EX command, 16, 211, 215218

in network modeling, 5657

voltage source modeling with, 2930, 137

execute command, 211, 249250

extended thin-wire kernel approximation, 213


far-field pattern listings, 81

far-field radiation patterns, plotting, 8384

field ratios in detuning by skirting, 9192

local and global minima and, 23

six-tower array, night pattern, 164

verifying, 82

finite grounds, 9, 181183

FLMO.NEC, 130131

folded monopole towers, 32, 129131

four-wire configurations, 3132

FR command, 16, 211, 219220

in bandwidth analysis, 137

frequency in bandwidth analysis, 137

FR command, 16, 211, 219220

program control command and, 2122

full power drives, 71

voltage calculation, 7879


GA command, 190

GC command, 202204

segment and radius taper and, 114116

in system bandwidth analysis, 136

GD command, 221222

GE command, 191192

input file, 1516

NX and, 176

geometry command, 13

input file, 1416

geometry print control, 197

GF command, 193

GH command, 194

global minima, 24

GM command, 11, 195196

in detuning by skirting, 90, 9394

folded monopoles and, 130131

NX and, 176

in radiator modeling, 38

stacking sections with, 32, 3637, 38

GN command, 177178, 223225

input file, 16

GP command, 197

GR command, 178181, 198200

NX and, 176

grounding straps, 3435

ground parameters, 177178, 223225

additional, 221222

grounds, finite, 9, 181183

ground screens, 28, 177181

GS command, 201

NX and, 176

GW command, 202204

array geometry with, 46, 47

in detuning by skirting, 9394

drive wire definition with, 3334

input file, 1415

in network modeling, 56

in system bandwidth analysis, 136

GX command, 205208

NX and, 176


Hatfield, J. B., 106107

height adjustment, 35

array geometry for, 44

optimum height for antenna monitor reading sample loops, 9596

for sample loops in antenna monitor readings, 9697

helix and spiral specification, 194

helix structures, 9


IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting (Trueman), 63, 133

impedance. See also drive point impedances ATU input, 142

base capacity and, 116118

calculating intermediate data on, 140141

drive point, 100102

drive segment radius and, 118120

load, 5153, 6061

matching, 53

modeling by measurement, 105120

parallel feeds and, 171173

in parallel in networks, 56

phasing network input, 143, 145

power divider input, 143, 145

segment number vs., 108109

self-, 149151, 154155, 160, 166, 171172

series, 5556, 57

shunt, 57

source, 6061, 137140

tall-tower array, 167

taper and, 114116

thin vs. thick wire, 109110

tower base, 141142

tower diameter and, 111114

transmission line input, 143144

in transmission line modeling, 58

inductance in detuning by base loading, 8586

in LD command, 52

in modeling by measurement, 107

test lead, 107108

input files array, 4649

base loading, 88

command for, 185250

comment command, 187188

creating, 1117

data command with, 1213

detuning by skirting, 9394

illustration of, 1317

naming, 1112

normalized drive, 5

six-tower array, day pattern, 158159

six-tower array, night pattern, 165

structure geometry command, 189210

tall-tower array, 168, 169

three-tower array, 153154

unity drive, 5

interaction approximation range, 226


KH command, 226


lattice configurations, 3238

coding, 3337

current distribution in, 121

parallel feeds in, 171173

simplifi ed, 3738

skirted, 121, 126128

in system bandwidth analysis, 134135

top-loaded, 121126

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories, xv, 910

LD command, 227229

array geometry and, 48

in detuning by skirting, 93

floating-point numbers in, 52

in impedance load modeling, 5153

NX and, 176

load modeling, 227229. See also LD command

impedance, 5153

program control command and, 2122

shunt impedance, 53

voltage source and, 57, 58

local minima, 24

loss modeling, 48


mathematical synthesis, in array adjustment, 2

measurement, modeling by, 105120

adjustments in, 107120

base capacity in, 116118

drive segment radius in, 118120

objectives of, 105107

radius taper in, 114116

segment length in, 114116

segment number in, 107, 108111

tower diameter in, 111114

modeling rules, 178179

monopoles folded, 32, 129131

ground screens and, 179180

Morecroft, J. H., 31


Naval Ocean Systems Center Technical Document 116

(TD 116), 185

near fields, 230232

NecDrv2.EXE, 7778, 260, 265266, 262263

NEC2dxs.xip files, 10

NECMOM.EXE, 181, 260, 266

NEC-2 (Numerical Electromagnetics Code version 2), xv, 56

benefits of, 67

case studies, 149169

development of, 910

nature of, 1

operation of, 11

public domain software with, 5

role of in array adjustment, 4

scope of, 9

software requirements, 7

software with, 259266

user-friendliness of, xv

NEC-4 (Numerical Electromagnetics Code version 4), 10

NE command, 230232

current computation with, 211

network modeling. See also NT command

common applications and, 5557

common configurations, 5355

common point-matching, 146

descriptions in, 5960

drive point impedances in, 100102

guidelines for, 57

input parameters in, 61

nonradiating, 5357

NT command, 233235

output files in, 5961

parallel feeds in, 56, 171173

phasing input impedances in, 144, 145

shunt reactance and, 7172

source and load impedance in, 6061

voltage transmission between networks in, 140141

network phase, 53, 140141

networks drive splitting in, 171173

next structure command, 173177, 236

NGF files. See also Numerical Green's Function

reading, 193

writing, 248

NH command, 230232

current computation with, 211

normalized drives, 6971

voltage calculation, 7778

NT command, 233235

in bandwidth analysis, 137

in load modeling, 52

in network modeling, 57

in nonradiating network modeling, 53

NX and, 176

Numerical Electromagnetic Code (NEC) — Method of Moments, Part III: User's Guide, 185

Numerical Green's Function, 9, 175177

NVCOMP.EXE, 3839, 260, 263265

detuning by base loading and, 9091

folded monopoles in, 131

skirted towers in, 128129

top loading in, 124125

NV.EXE, 38

NX command, 173174, 236

CE and, 176

Numerical Green's Function and, 175177


output files, 5, 81103

antenna input parameters in, 22, 23

antenna monitor readings in, 94100

condensed, 81

current moments in, 2324

currents and locations in, 2223

data command with, 2122

detuning towers with, 8494

drive point impedances, 100102

far-field radiation patterns and, 8384

field ratio verification in, 82

header in, 18

network, 5961

power budget in, 24, 25

radiation patterns in, 2425

reading, 1725

segmentation data in, 1821, 81

skirted towers, 128129

structure specifications for, 18, 19


parallel feeds, 56, 171173

parasitic radiation, comparisons for, 174

pass-through networks, 55

peak values, 22, 23

phase local and global minima and, 23

network, 53, 140141

phasing network input impedance, 143, 145

shift, 140141

phasing networks, 53

phi angle, 2425

Pi-networks, 57

PL command, 238239

vertical radiation patterns and, 128

plotting, 128, 238239

Poggio, A. M., xv, 910

power budget, 24, 25, 71

full power drive, 7879

power divider input impedances, 143, 145

PQ command, 237

Principles of Radio Communication (Morecroft), 31

print control, 237, 240241

program control command, 13, 1617, 212250

PT command, 240241


radiation patterns, 2425, 242245. See also RP command

bandwidth, 146147

detuning unused towers and, 8494

folded monopole, 129131

parasitic, 157158, 162163, 174

six-tower array, day pattern, 157158

six-tower array, night pattern, 162164

skirted towers, 121, 126128

WJGRAPS.EXE for, 266267

radiator modeling, 2739

in lattice configurations, 35

tower configurations, 3039

voltage source in, 2930

radius taper, 114116

reactance physical shunting, 9899

shunt, 7172, 107

Reflection Coefficient Approximation (RCA), 182

reflection in coordinate planes, 205207

ring girth, 37

coding, 34

defining, 33

top loading and, 124

RP. See radiation patterns

RP command, 1617, 242245

array geometry and, 48

current computation with, 211

in plotting far-field radiation patterns, 8384


scaling structure dimensions, 201204

segmentation data, 81

segment lengths intersection angle of, 28

load and, 52

in output files, 2223

print control for charge on, 237

radiator modeling, 2728, 29

radius taper and, 114116

in system bandwidth analysis, 136

thick wire vs. thin wire, 108110

underground, 178179

segment numbers, in modeling by measurement, 107, 108111

self-impedance parallel feeds and, 171172

six-tower array, day pattern, 154155

six-tower array, night pattern, 160

tall-tower array, 166

three-tower array, 149151

Sellmeyer, J., 149, 154, 160

shunt admittances, 59

shunt reactance, 7172

in modeling by measurement, 107

single-wire configurations, 31

six-tower arrays day pattern, 154159

night pattern, 160165

skirted towers, 32, 121, 126131

base loading and, 9293

detuning with, 8994

folded monopoles and, 129131

SM command, 210

software, 259267

installation of, 260262

Sommerfeld/Norton finite-ground method, 9, 182183

SP command, 9, 208209

spider girth, 35, 37

defining, 33

top loading and, 124

spiral specification, 194

SQR.OUT base current samples and, 9799

drive point impedances in, 100102

in plotting far-field radiation patterns, 8384

SQR_1.OUT, 73


structure geometry command, 189210

“A Study of AM Tower Base Impedance” (Hatfield), 106107

Stumpff, G., 38

surface patches, 9, 208209

multiple, 210

system bandwidth analysis, 133148

base drive voltages in, 136, 137140

common point-matching networks, 146

drive signal simulation in, 148

intermediate data in, 140146

low-impedance towers and, 148

parameter smoothing in, 148

radiation bandwidth, 146147

system definition for, 133136

total system data in, 146147

transmission lines in, 148


tall-tower arrays, 166169

templates, array input file, 4849

TD 116, 185


test lead inductance, 107108

text editing, 17

theta angle, 2425, 42

three-tower arrays, 149154

TL command, 5759, 246247

in bandwidth analysis, 134, 137

TL.NEC, 124

T-networks, 57, 101

top loading, 32

determining degree of, 123126

top hat size estimation in, 122123

tower base impedances, 141142

tower configurations, 3038

drive segment radius, 118120

flexibility in modeling, 109

folded monopole, 129131

four-wire, 3132

lattice, 30, 3238

new structure creation, 173177

NX command for, 173174

single-wire, 31

skirted, 121, 126131

in system bandwidth analysis, 134136

thick-wire, 30

three-tower, 149154

top-loaded, 121126

tower diameter in, 111114

triangular, 30

two-wire, 32

viewing, 3839

tower feeds, 53

transmission line modeling, 5759, 246247

frequency vs. carrier frequency and, 148

input impedances, 143145

in system bandwidth analysis, 134, 137

Trueman, C. W., 63, 181

two-wire configurations, 32


unity drives, 6869

creating files for, 7273

current moment calculation, 7377

unity excitation, 68


voltage modeling, 1617

antenna monitor readings and, 99100

array geometry and, 4748

base drive, 6380

buss, 144145

driving point, calculating, 7279

full power, 7879

load, network, and source of, 57, 58

normalized drive, 7778

source, 2930

voltage sources, 52

impedance of drive voltage and, 137140


WG command, 248

wire arc specification, 190

wire radius, 28, 29

wire specification, 202204

wire structure modeling, 10

WJGRAPS.EXE, 260, 266267

WordPad, 81


XQ command, 211, 249250

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