
The Prospect of getting clients—now!—is a delightful concept. It’s a noble endeavor for any business; it’s a desired pot of gold at the end of your rainbow.

It is also a tough job, a baffling and daunting task, and a goal not easily reached by the majority of businesses.

For those reasons, it is absolutely crucial that you pursue that goal with all the chips stacked in your favor. In this new third edition of Get Clients Now!, C. J. Hayden has stacked those chips for you. They are neatly and generously provided in the upcoming pages—each chip worth far more than its weight in gold.

Unlike the chips in a poker game, these chips entail no risk for you, and if you bet them, you’re certain of winning—assured of victory in the game of obtaining clients. Is it easy to win that game? It is not. Is it the fast track to financial success? Often, no. But if you apply the easy-to-follow advice presented here, getting those clients will become a certainty.

Calling a spade a spade, author Hayden starts right out by telling you exactly why you don’t have enough clients right now. You may wince when you read her words, but you won’t be able to refute them because you’ll know in your heart that they are true.

That’s the bad news. The good news is that when you complete this book—and even while you’re reading it—you’ll see how you can reverse this situation and develop a roster of satisfied, long-term, profitable clients.

Sounds good, but where do you start? You’ll get the answer to that question pronto. What should you do right this minute to get clients? That, too, is answered in a way that will bestow you with instant enlightenment.

The complex chore of amassing an abundant list of clients is made simple and attainable with the step-by-step plan the author has in store for you. Where were those steps when I was first starting out? They weren’t in any books that I read, nor in the advice given to me by well-meaning friends and even mentors.

But here they are, along with exercises to help you establish the momentum you’ll need, and a worksheet that will serve as an infallible guide in your quest for clients right now.

C. J. Hayden has created a clear and effective system for you so that your efforts are not helter-skelter. Along with her system, she gives you a veritable treasury of practical ideas and proven tactics—while stomping on the toes of conventional wisdom that may have led you up the garden path to nowhere until now.

As she reveals a new world of glowing possibilities for your business, she shines a light upon many ugly realities which may have been hindering your progress. But you will be impeded no more. You will no longer suffer from a dearth of clients. Your questions will be answered and your path will be illuminated.

Get Clients Now! makes a promise in its title, then gives you the reward of living up to it.

Jay Conrad Levinson

The Father of Guerrilla Marketing

DeBary, Florida

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