Tactics for Public Speaking

image Acting as Master of Ceremonies. Any excuse for standing up in front of a group will make you more visible and memorable. If you serve a group as an officer or committee chair, you’ll have opportunities to make announcements or introductions.

image Serving on Panels. An easy way to break into public speaking without having to prepare an entire talk. Let colleagues know you are available to speak on your area of expertise.

image Making Presentations. Every meeting or conference needs speakers. Most of them are people like you, speaking for free to promote their business. It brings you visibility and credibility both.

image Virtual Speaking. Many speaking opportunities exist on webinars, teleseminars, and online chats sponsored by associations, vendors, and professional schools. You can speak to an international audience without traveling.

image Giving Classes or Workshops. If you really enjoy speaking or teaching, this is an effective way to expose prospective clients to your expertise. If they like you, they will want more of you.



Writing articles, a column, or a blog about your specialty is an excellent way to gain visibility and credibility you couldn’t manage otherwise. If you have never been published before, you might begin by publishing yourself. You can provide articles to an online article directory, or write for your own newsletter or blog. The newsletters or blogs of colleagues can also be good places to get exposure for your writing. Once you have had a few items published, you can graduate to better-known venues. Don’t rule out these tactics if you’re not an expert writer. A ghost writer or professional editor can help turn your words into publishable prose.

Just as you can publish your own writing online, you can also generate your own publicity via social media. Posting on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, and YouTube allows you to share news and expertise with those who follow you.

Getting interviewed by the mainstream media or trade press can be considerably harder, but you can start small or wherever you have connections. Local radio and newspapers like to profile local experts. Associations and online communities often feature their members. Vendors sometimes interview their customers. When approaching the media, always remember that you need to provide them with an engaging story. Tell the editor or producer exactly why their readers will be interested in what you have to say.

Be aware that unless your piece appears on the home page of the New York Times, you shouldn’t expect a deluge of phone calls and Web traffic. You are more likely to receive congratulations from people you already know than to hear from a flock of new prospects. Writing and publicity techniques are better for steadily building your credibility and name recognition than for filling your marketing pipeline all at once.

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