Have you read this entire discussion of goal-setting without yet setting a goal? Or did you choose one, but tell yourself, “I don’t have to set a real goal. This is just an exercise?” It’s time to ask yourself why. Or better yet, what is in the way?

Are you afraid? Of what? Failing? Succeeding? Offending someone? Looking silly? Do you have some negative past experience with goal-setting that is causing you to avoid it? Whatever it is that is preventing you from choosing a real honest-to-goodness, no-kidding, I-can-do-this goal, get it out in the open now. This program will not work for you unless you set a realistic goal.

Write out your fears and concerns, draw or paint them, talk them out with your business buddy, action group, coach, or a friend. Do whatever it takes to discover what is stopping you, and then stop letting it stop you. Make a conscious choice to try goal-setting one more time, or for the first time. Trust the process. It works.

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