Day 3

Are you ready to get clients now? It’s time to let the Tracking Worksheet start doing its magic. First thing this morning, get your Tracking Worksheet in front of you. Each working day of the program, you will be using the worksheet at least twice: once at the beginning and once at the end of the day. To let even more of the worksheet’s magic rub off on you, keep it where you’ll see it all day long.

On this first Monday, begin by doing your first Morning Review. Look over your Success Ingredients and Daily Actions. Which of these tasks do you plan to work on today? Do you need to add them to your daily to-do list or schedule time for them? Check your Special Permission to remind yourself what you need to be successful. Okay, you’re ready for the day—go for it!

At day’s end, award yourself your first Daily Scores:

Weather Report: How your mind and body feel, on a scale of 1 to 10.

Success Ingredients: The status of each project from 0–100 percent complete.

Daily Actions: Y (for Yes) and N (for No) on each one. Be sure to score any weekly actions as well. Add up the total number of Ys at the bottom of the Daily Actions section.

Program Goal: Progress toward your goal from 0–100 percent accomplished.

Special Permission: Y if you granted yourself your Special Permission today; N if you didn’t.

If you have any questions about how to score yourself, refer to the description of the Tracking Worksheet at the beginning of this chapter.

You made it through your first working day of the Get Clients Now! Program. Congratulations! Did you accomplish all that you wanted? If you did, great! If not, remember that punishment is not allowed. Notice what didn’t get done, and we’ll look at your list again tomorrow to see if you need to make changes.

Throughout the remainder of the program, the day-by-day guidelines here will focus on keeping you in action, on track, and motivated. Whenever you have questions about how to implement the Daily Actions or Success Ingredients you chose, refer to the appropriate chapter in Part III for your stage of the marketing cycle to find detailed logistical help.

Thought for the day: A short poem about marketing:

You have to sow a lot of seeds.

Some are flowers; some are weeds;

Some will die while others grow,

But all depends on how many you sow.

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