To Win More Sales, Try Being Yourself

Rochelle Togo-Figa,

“Do you have to be like the pushy used car salesman to be successful in sales? Absolutely not!” asserts Rochelle Togo-Figa, creator of the Sales Breakthrough System. “Have you ever watched someone speak and found yourself listening to every word they say? You don’t know the person, yet there’s something about them that draws you to them. It happens because they’re being genuine and real. They’re being themselves.” She continues,

Being successful in sales doesn’t come from being slick or pushy, or copying someone else’s selling style. That never works because people can sense you’re not yourself. The key is to let go of trying to be what you’re not and to trust yourself.

Let’s define what selling really is:

1. Selling is no longer being the slick, aggressive, and pushy salesperson.

2. Selling is being more interested in the prospect than in what you have to say.

3. Selling is creating a trusting and honest relationship with the prospect.

4. Selling is being a keen listener and listening for what’s most important to the prospect.

5. Selling is thinking of ways of helping the prospect.

6. Selling is going the extra mile and doing the unexpected for the prospect.

7. Selling is showing you genuinely want to help them get to where they want to go.

8. Selling is making yourself easily accessible to your prospects either by phone or e-mail.

9. Selling is trusting who you are and being yourself. You are unique and special just as you are, so let that shine through!

Sales success begins with being yourself. It really is as simple as that. The prospect will come to you because they’re attracted to your authenticity. When you’re being real, your honesty and trust shines through, and people are drawn to you.

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