1.2 Almost-Periodic Functions

In this section, definitions and main results on almost-periodic (AP) functions and their generalizations are presented for both continuous-and discrete-time cases. For extensive treatments on almost-periodic functions, see (Besicovitch 1932), (Bohr 1933), and (Corduneanu 1989) for continuous-time, and (Corduneanu 1989, Chapter VII), (Jessen and Tornehave 1945), and (von Neumann 1934) for discrete-time.

1.2.1 Uniformly Almost-Periodic Functions

Definition 1.2.1 (Besicovitch 1932, Chapter 1). A function z(t), img, is said to be uniformly almost-periodic if img such that for any interval img such that

(1.51) equation

The quantity img is said translation number of z(t) corresponding to img. equation

A set img is said to be relatively dense in img if img such that img the result is that DI ≠ .

Thus, defined the set of the translation numbers of z(t) corresponding to img

(1.52) equation

according to Definition 1.2.1, the function z(t) is uniformly almost periodic if and only if img the set img is relatively dense in img. That is, there are many translation numbers of z(t) corresponding to img.

Theorem 1.2.2 (Besicovitch 1932, Chapter 1). Any uniformly AP function is the limit of a uniformly convergent sequence of trigonometric polynomials in t (generalized Fourier series):

(1.53) equation

where the frequencies α img A, with A countable set of possibly incommensurate reals and possibly containing cluster points, and

(1.54) equation

with the limit independent of t0. Thus, z(t) is bounded and uniformly continuous. equation

Theorem 1.2.3 (Besicovitch 1932, Chapter 1). For any uniformly AP function the following Parseval's equality holds

(1.55) equation


A function z(t) is periodic with period T0 > 0 if T0 is the smallest nonzero value such that

(1.56) equation

Thus, periodic functions are obtained as special case of almost-periodic functions with img independent of img, img. In such a case, the frequencies of the set A are all multiple of a fundamental frequency 1/T0, that is, img and (1.53) is the ordinary Fourier series expansion of the periodic function z(t).

An example of uniformly AP function which is not periodic is

(1.57) equation

Both cosines are periodic functions with periods T0 and img, respectively. However, their sum is not periodic since the ratio of the two periods T0 and img is the irrational number img.

The functions defined in Definition 1.2.1 and characterized in Theorem 1.2.1 are called almost-periodic in the sense of Bohr (Bohr 1933, paragraphs 84–92) or, equivalently, uniformly almost periodic in the sense of Besicovitch (Besicovitch 1932, Chapter 1), or, equivalently, almost-periodic with respect to the sup norm. More general classes of almost-periodic functions, including possibly discontinuous functions, are treated in (Besicovitch 1932, Chapter 2) and the following sections.

1.2.2 AP Functions in the Sense of Stepanov, Weyl, and Besicovitch

The almost-periodicity property can be defined with respect to the following norms or seminorms, with p ≥ 1, (Besicovitch 1932, Chapter 2):

1. Stepanovimg-norm:
(1.58) equation
2. Weyl Wp-norm:
(1.59) equation
3. Besicovitch Bp-seminorm:

(1.60) equation

Functions belonging to img with finite Besicovitch Bp-seminorm form a seminormed space called Marcinkiewicz space img.

Let img denote any of the above defined (semi)norms, that is, img, img, or img. For each (semi)norm, a definition of almost-periodicity can be given.

Definition 1.2.4 img, Wp, and Bp Almost Periodicity (Besicovitch (1932) Chapter 2). A function z(t) is said to be Gp almost-periodic (Gp-AP), p ≥ 1, if ∀img > 0 ∃ img img > 0 such that for any interval img such that

(1.61) equation

Specifically, if img, then z(t) is said img-AP; If img, then z(t) is said img; If img, then z(t) is said img-AP. equation

Theorem 1.2.5 (Besicovitch 1932, Chapter 2). Any Gp-AP function is Gp-bounded (img) and is the Gp-limit of a sequence of trigonometric polynomials in t:

(1.62) equation

where An is an increasing sequence of countable sets such that img and img. The coefficients zα of the generalized Fourier series are given by (1.54). equation

In (Besicovitch 1932, p. 74) it is shown that: If img, then z1(t) = z2(t) a.e.; If img, then z1(t) and z2(t) may differ at a set of points of finite and even of infinite measure. In addition, for p ≥ 1 the result is that (Besicovitch 1932, p. 73) img.

Theorem 1.2.6 (Besicovitch 1932, Chapter 2). For any G2-AP function the following Parseval's equality holds

(1.63) equation


Further generalizations of almost-periodic functions can be found in (Besicovitch 1932, Chapter 2), (Bohr 1933, paragraphs 94–102), and (Corduneanu 1989, Chapter VI).

1.2.3 Weakly AP Functions in the Sense of Eberlein

Definition 1.2.7 Weakly Almost-Periodic Functions (Eberlein 1949, 1956). A continuous and bounded function z(t) is said to be weakly almost-periodic (w.a.p.) (in the sense of Eberlein) if the set of translates z(t + τ), img, is (conditionally) weakly compact in the set of continuous and bounded functions img. equation

Examples of w.a.p. functions are the uniformly almost periodic functions (in the sense of Definition 1.2.1), the positive definite functions (hence Fourier-Stieltjes transforms), and functions vanishing at infinity (Eberlein 1949, Theorems 11.1 and 11.2). A w.a.p. function is uniformly continuous (Eberlein 1949, Theorem 13.1).

Theorem 1.2.8 (Eberlein 1956). Every w.a.p. function z(t) admits a unique decomposition

(1.64) equation

where zuap(t) is a uniformly almost-periodic function in the sense of Definition 1.2.1 and z0(t) is a zero-power function

(1.65) equation

Moreover, it results that

(1.66a) equation

(1.66b) equation

and, accordingly with (1.65) and using the notation of Theorem 1.2.5, the result is that

(1.67) equation


Theorem 1.2.9 (Eberlein 1956). For any w.a.p. function the following Parseval's equality holds

(1.68) equation


It is worthwhile emphasizing that the set of w.a.p. functions, unlike other classes of generalized AP functions, is closed under multiplication (Eberlein 1949). That is, the product of two w.a.p. functions is in turn a w.a.p. function.

Other definitions of w.a.p. functions different from Definition 1.2.7 are given in (Amerio and Prouse 1971, Chapter 3), (Corduneanu 1989, Section VI.5), (Zhang and Liu 2010).

Theorem 1.2.10 (Eberlein 1949, Theorem 15.1). Let z1(t) and z2(t) be w.a.p. functions. Then

(1.69) equation

exists and is a uniformly almost periodic function of t. A similar result also holds with different definitions of w.a.p. functions (Zhang and Liu 2010). equation

1.2.4 Pseudo AP Functions

Definition 1.2.11 (Ait Dads and Arino 1996). The function z(t) is said to be pseudo almost-periodic in the sense of Ait Dads and Arino, shortly img, if it admits the (unique) decomposition

(1.70) equation

where zuap(t) is a uniformly almost-periodic function in the sense of Definition 1.2.1 and z0(t), referred to as the ergodic perturbation, is a Lebesgue measurable function such that

(1.71) equation

shortly img. equation

The classes img and img are slight generalizations of the classes img and img, respectively, of the pseudo almost-periodic functions in the sense of Zhang (Zhang 1994, 1995), where z(t) and z0(t) are assumed to be continuous and bounded.

Theorem 1.2.12 (Ait Dads and Arino 1996). Let be img. It results that

(1.72a) equation

(1.72b) equation


Proposition 1.2.13 (Ait Dads and Arino 1996). If img exists, then img 0 and z(t) belong to the class of the asymptotically almost-periodic functions in the sense of Frechet.

Properties of asymptotically almost-periodic functions are given in (Leimgkow and Napolitano 2006, Section 6.2).

1.2.5 AP Functions in the Sense of Hartman and Ryll-Nardzewski

Definition 1.2.14 (Kahane 1962), (Andreas et al. (2006) Definition 7.1). The function img is said to be almost periodic in the sense of Hartman, shortly img, if, img

(1.73) equation

exists and is finite. equation

Definition 1.2.15 (Kahane 1962), (Andreas et al. (2006) Definition 7.2). The function img is said to be almost periodic in the sense of Ryll-Nardzewski, shortly img, if, img

(1.74) equation

exists uniformly with respect to img and is finite. equation

Obviously, if img, then img and img, but the converse is not true. That is, img.

If img or img, then img and the Fourier coefficients of the (generalized) Fourier series in (1.62) are coincident with those in (1.74). If img, then img (but not necessarily img) and the Fourier coefficients of the (generalized) Fourier series in (1.62) are (obviously) those in (1.73).

Theorem 1.2.16 (Kahane 1961), (Andreas et al. (2006) Theorem 7.5). The spectrum of img, that is the set img, is at most countable. Consequently, also the spectrum of img is at most countable. equation

Theorem 1.2.17 (Urbanik 1962), (Kahane 1961). Let img, p > 1. Then, the following unique decomposition holds

(1.75) equation

where zBap(t) is a Bp-AP function and img with empty spectrum, that is img

(1.76) equation


In particular, since uniformly AP functions in the sense of Definition 1.2.1 are special cases of Bp-AP functions, the function zBap(t) in decomposition (1.75) can reduce to a uniformly AP function.

Let us define the sets

(1.77) equation

(1.78) equation

Obviously R0H0.

Theorem 1.2.18 (Kahane 1962). Let be img. Then, there exists img img such that img. Let be img. Then, there exists img such that img. equation

Theorem 1.2.19 (Kahane 1962). Let be img. Then, there exist img such that img. equation

Theorem 1.2.20 (Kahane 1962). Let x(t) be uniformly continuous and bounded. Then, there exist img uniformly continuous and bounded such that img. In particular, x(t) can be uniformly almost periodic. equation

1.2.6 AP Functions Defined on Groups and with Values in Banach and Hilbert Spaces

Almost-periodic functions and their generalizations on groups are treated in (Corduneanu 1989, Chapter VII), (von Neumann 1934), (Casinovi 2009).

Almost-periodic functions with values in Hilbert spaces are treated in (Phong 2007). Further classes of AP functions with values in Banach spaces and a survey of their properties are presented in (Andreas et al. 2006), (Chérif 2011a,b).

1.2.7 AP Functions in Probability

Let img, denoted shortly by z(t), be a random process defined on a probability space img.

Definition 1.2.21 Random Functions Almost-Periodic in Probability (Corduneanu (1989) Sect. II.3). A random process z(t), img, is called almost-periodic in probability if img, img, there exists img such that for every set of length img, say img, there exists at least one number img such that

(1.79) equation

The real number img is said img-almost period in probability. equation

Theorem 1.2.22 (Corduneanu 1989, Sect. II.3). Any random process AP in probability is bounded in probability and is the limit in probability of a sequence of random trigonometric polynomials in t. That is,η > 0,

(1.80) equation

where An is an increasing sequence of countable sets of real numbers α and zα(ω) are random variables.

1.2.8 AP Sequences

Definition 1.2.23 Discrete-Time Almost-Periodic Functions (Corduneanu 1989, Chapter VII), (Jessen and Tornehave 1945), (von Neumann 1934). A sequence z(n), img, is said to be almost-periodic if img such that for any set img img such that

(1.81) equation

The integer mimg is said to be the translation number of z(n) corresponding to img. equation

Theorem 1.2.24 (Corduneanu 1989, Chapter VII), (von Neumann 1934). Every AP sequence img is the limit of a sequence of trigonometric polynomials in n:

(1.82) equation

where the frequencies img, with img countable set with possibly incommensurate elements in [− 1/2, 1/2) and possibly containing cluster points,

(1.83) equation

with the limit independent of n0 and

(1.84) equation

Thus, z(n) is bounded. equation

A sequence z(n) is periodic with period N0 if N0 is the smallest non-zero integer such that

(1.85) equation

Thus, periodic sequences are obtained as a special case of almost-periodic sequences with mimg = kN0 independent of img, img. In such a case, img is the finite set {0, 1/N0, ..., (N0 − 1)/N0} or any equivalent set k0 + A img {k0, k0 + 1/N0, ..., k0 + (N0 − 1)/N0} with k0 integer, and (1.82) is the discrete Fourier series (DFS) of z(n).

In continuous-time, the complex sinewave img is periodic with period img and the polynomial phase signal img, γ > 1, is not almost periodic. Complex discrete-time sinewaves and polynomial phase sequences require more attention. The sequence img with img, p, q relative prime integers or co-prime (that is, they have no common positive divisor other than 1 or, equivalently, their greatest common divisor is 1 or, equivalently, p/q is an irreducible fraction), is periodic with period q. In contrast, the sequence img with img, is almost periodic (not periodic). For every positive integer L ≥ 2, the sequence img with img, p, q relative prime integers, is periodic with period q whereas it is not almost periodic for img.

1.2.9 AP Sequences in Probability

Definition 1.2.25 Almost-Periodic Random Sequences in Probability (Han and Hong 2007). A random sequence z(n), img, is called almost-periodic in probability if img, img, there exists img such that for every set of length img, say img, there exists at least one number img such that

(1.86) equation

The integer mimg,η is said to be (img, η)-almost period in probability.

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