Reviewing Theme Settings

Drupal allows you to easily change the look and feel of your site with precreated templates, called themes. You can download free ones and also pay for sophisticated ones at places like Top Notch Themes,

If you’re out looking, make sure that you are looking at Drupal 7 themes. People will start gradually making these more available. For example, has a lot of themes at the time of writing, but doesn’t appear to have free Drupal 7 themes (yet). Whereas another site appears to have some free Drupal 7 themes: We’ll take a look at adding a new theme in Chapter 12, “Modules to Simplify Content Creation.”

Drupal comes with a few built-in themes. To take a look, log into your site and click the “Appearance” link at the top:

There will be a list of built-in themes. The one that is currently on your site will be listed as the default theme, and at the present time, it’s called Bartik (see Figure 7.6).

Figure 7.6. Appearance.

To take a look, click the “Settings” link underneath the title of the theme. There are a number of things you can change (see Figure 7.7).

Figure 7.7. Appearance > Color Scheme.

When you look at Settings, it shows you the settings for a particular theme. Notice that there is also a Global Settings tab. If you upload a logo for a particular theme, it might not appear if another theme is selected. Another option is to click Global Settings and upload a logo into that, and then it should appear for any theme.

Scroll down to the Toggle Display area. If you end up uploading a logo, you might want to end up unchecking the display of the site name (see Figure 7.8).

Figure 7.8. Enabling various things to display.

If you scroll down to the very bottom, this is where the Logo and Shortcut icon settings are (see Figure 7.9).

Figure 7.9. Logo/Icon settings.

Then, when done, click Save configuration. A Shortcut Icon is simply the little icon that appears in most browsers when you visit a site. It can be a nice way to add a professional touch to a site design.

The Shortcut Icon is the little seedling image that appears to the left of the Web address.

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