Lawrence J. Peter introduced a principle that struck a universal chord when he published the Peter Principle. The Peter Principle was simple and relevant to everyone working in a bureaucracy. It said that in a hierarchy, every individual rises to a level of incompetence and advances no further. It applied to both public and private institutions.

Keeping the Peter Principle in mind, you’ll recognize that a person who has reached a level of incompetence often becomes an obstacle to greater performance or change. Hence, a corollary to the Peter Principle exists: a person who reaches a level of incompetence is an obstacle to progress. They’re like brick walls that won’t let anything pass. These people are often negative, even hostile, because they do not want anyone to surpass them or upset their position, which would only reinforce their feelings of incompetence and may threaten their position.

Understanding the Peter Principle offers two benefits. It helps you in identifying who will embrace your idea, technique, and so forth, and who will not. It will also help you in developing an effective strategy for bypassing the brick wall.

image for Dealing with People Who Have Made the Peter Principle a Reality

  • image Recognize that the person is a manifestation of the principle.
  • image Go around the individual; do not bother dealing with that person directly.
  • image Make your case with facts and data, even when communicating with that person.
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