Imagineering is picturing in your mind what you want to do or create and then introducing it into the real world. Simply create a mental image, in ideal form, of what you hope to see, remembering every detail; then, introduce the ideal into the real world.

Naturally, reality will hit you in the face. What is produced in the real world looks different from the ideal because the limitations of your capabilities to impose the ideal will soon surface. Some frustration, anger, and disillusionment often surface no matter how well the person performed imagineering.

Nonetheless, imagineering allows you to define what you hope to achieve and what will be required. It also anticipates the difficulties you may encounter, and it permits you to experiment in your mind with what the ideal will look like before you actually take action, which saves time, effort, and resources.

image for Imagineering

  • image Find a quiet area and sit down.
  • image Formulate in your mind the perfect image of the desired object, circumstance, and so on.
  • image Let the image take different forms.
  • image Select the image that best captures your wants and needs.
  • image Plan for implementing the image.
  • image Execute the image.
  • image Take corrective action.
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