Net present value (NPV) is a method for selecting an alternative that offers the best investment. It accounts for the time value of money, as well as identifies which alternative provides a rate of return greater than that provided by a financial institution. If the resulting calculation is greater than that earned at a bank, then it is okay to make the investment.

The advantages of NPV are twofold. It provides the financial basis for deciding whether to make an investment. It also is a widely accepted method for making financial investments.

image for Calculating the Net Present Value

  • image Calculate the cost of a proposal.
  • image Calculate its savings.
  • image Determine the interest rate.
  • image Determine the number of years that savings will occur (e.g., three-to-five years).
  • image Use the following formula for each proposal on computer software:


    • image Example: The savings for any given year is $1,000; the interest rate is 5 percent (or .05). The cost of the proposal is $2,000. Calculate the net present value.


    • image Note: A positive value suggests investing in the proposal. A negative value suggests investing it in a different place of higher return.
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