Occasionally, you will want to know how well you’re progressing according to the plan that you developed for your project. You can do that by conducting a status review meeting.

A status review meeting is a regularly scheduled session where the people working on a project give feedback on progress to date regarding cost, schedule, and quality.

Like other meetings, it requires good planning and organization prior to holding it and effective management while being conducted.

An effective status review meeting has certain characteristics. The right people attend, particularly the people responsible for the work being performed. It provides time for open dialogue to discuss key business and technical areas with respect to meeting cost, schedule, and quality criteria. Finally, it provides the grounds for effective assessment of a situation or project.

The biggest advantage of a status review meeting is that it helps you stay abreast of what people are doing on your project and how well they are doing it. It also communicates to people that you’re serious about your project and that you hold them accountable for their performance.

image for Conducting Effective Status Review Meetings

  • image Determine exactly what to cover at the meeting.
  • image Identify all the participants.
  • image Develop and distribute a standardized agenda that can be tailored for each meeting.
  • image Hold the meetings at regular intervals—at the same time and location, if possible.
  • image Remain objective by focusing on the facts and data, not on the people.
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