A project history file is a way to keep records and data. Such information is then easily referenced when planning for the future and analyzing the past.

Kept in a manila folder or an electronic file, a project history file contains documentation about a specific project. Just about anything can go in the folder, including original and revised documents. Some documents to include are schedules, minutes, budgets and expenditure records, memorandums, statistics, reports, and completed forms.

The key to having a useful project history file is to update it regularly and organize the contents logically. A history file will be of no use to you or anyone else if it contains partial information or if its contents look like a swirl of paper.

Keeping a history file provides several advantages. You can clarify any ambiguities and answer any questions. You can also trace the progress of your project. Finally, you can transfer your project to someone else with minimum difficulty because the other person can read the file and can start on the project early.

image for Developing a History File

  • image Identify the topics to retain in documentation (e.g., schedules, budgets, forms, memos).
  • image Prepare a file for each topic.
  • image Label each file.
  • image Logically organize the sequence of files.
  • image Periodically purge the files for dated or irrelevant material.
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