A contingency plan is a document, often a form, that captures anticipated problems, determines their criticality, and presents any appropriate responses. In other words, it is a method for not getting caught with your pants down.

You can develop contingency plans for just about any subject, such as for problems or circumstances related to people, equipment, supplies, facilities, money, and time.

Before beginning any project, consider completing contingency plans for every possible scenario and storing them in a three-ring binder. If a scenario arises that you failed to account for, complete a plan to help you take the right response in the future.

image for Developing a Contingency Plan

  • image Identify all the possible scenarios that can occur.
  • image Identify the most important scenarios according to predefined criteria.
  • image Determine the likelihood of occurrence (e.g., low, high) for each one.
  • image Determine the impact of each one.
  • image Determine the possible responses.
Description Failure to Meet Service Levels
Criticality High
Probability of Occurance Moderate
Possible Responses 1. Temporary Agreement with Another Vendor
2. Hire In-House Staff
Consequences of Each Response 1. High Cost
2. Absorb Overhead

Table 3          Contingency Plan for Outsourcing Agreement

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