Sometimes all hell breaks loose. Order turns into chaos. No one is in control. Sound familiar?

It should. It’s called a crisis, and if you’re not careful, it can overwhelm you. What you must do is handle a crisis in a manner that allows proaction rather than reaction. The way to accomplish this feat is through crisis management.

Typically, people react to a crisis. They implement a solution to satisfy short-term needs and treat the symptoms rather than the causes. Such reactions only quell the crisis instead of solving it, and they cause a crisis to reerupt later when the circumstances encourage it.

image for Crisis Management

  • image Remove the emotional content from the situation.
  • image Gather the facts and data of the situation.
  • image Look at the big picture.
  • image Define the problem.
  • image Identify the possible causes.
  • image Determine the true cause(s).
  • image Develop a solution that addresses the cause(s).
  • image Implement the solution.
  • image Seek feedback.
  • image Make revisions, as necessary.
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