A newsletter is a communications medium. It can cover a wide spectrum of topics. Policies, procedures, technology, and business issues are just some categories of topics to cover in the newsletter.

Your newsletter doesn’t need a Madison Avenue look. With the power of desktop publishing offering WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) capabilities, you can create a relatively professional-looking document containing graphics as well as text. Within minutes, you can produce a master document that’s ready for reproduction on a copier—no need to mess with typeset or ink.

The best time to prepare a newsletter is when you’re working on a project that requires visibility and the support of many people. The newsletter can help you keep them current on what has been and will be happening. Generally, the larger the number of people affected by a project, the greater the need for a newsletter.

A newsletter offers many benefits. It serves as reference material for new and existing employees. It also serves as a communications tool for employees wanting to learn the latest about a topic.

image for Developing a Newsletter

  • image Identify the purpose of the newsletter.
  • image Identify topics that will help achieve the purpose.
  • image Assign writers to the topics.
  • image Determine the layout, including graphics.
  • image Prepare the article(s).
  • image Reproduce the newsletter, either electronically or in hardcopy.
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