The daily priority task listing shows all activities or tasks that you must complete on a particular day. Using this listing, you rank each task according to priority. For each task, you also set a tentative completion time. After completing each task, record your initial next to it.

The advantages to the daily priority task listing are many. Besides helping you manage your time and set your priorities, it also gives a historical record of your performance. This information will also help you evaluate your work performance and identify your accomplishments.

image for Determining the Daily Priority Task Listing

  • image Determine the overall goals to achieve for the day.
  • image Rank the goals according to descending importance.
  • image Set a certain time to accomplish the goal.
  • image Conduct a follow-up review with yourself to determine whether the goals, especially the most important ones, have been met.
Priority Completed by Task
3 4 P.M. Status of Jigundo Account with Melissa
4 4 P.M. New Office Furniture Resolution with Mike
2 3 P.M. Budget Resolution for Next Quarter with Rick
1 Noon Joint Merger with MeggaCorp (business plan) with Tonya

Table 5          Daily Priority Task Listing for My Corporation

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