A matrix compactly displays the interrelationship between two or more datum. Many business professions use matrices. Auditors develop them to identify the relationships between threats and controls. Systems analysts develop them to identify the relationship between inputs and outputs for a computing system. You can use them, too, for many purposes, especially to display relationships in a compact chart.

Matrices offer several advantages. They enable displaying a large amount of information in a compact form. They are also easy to prepare and show relationships among pieces of information. Finally, they provide a good basis for making decisions.

image for Developing a Matrix

  • image For one set of data, identify the number of rows reflecting the number of entries in the matrix.
  • image For another set of data, identify the number of columns reflecting the number of entries in the matrix.
  • image Draw a large rectangle.
  • image Draw the appropriate rows and columns in the matrix.
  • image Develop a set of symbols to reflect the type or strength of the relationship.
  • image In each row, place the appropriate symbol to reflect the type or strength of the relationship.


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