As an organization expands, it develops less-efficient organizational structures to conduct business. It can still achieve its goals and objectives, known as effectiveness, but does so wastefully. Streamlining is the process of identifying inefficient organizational structures and then making work proceed effectively, efficiently, and smoothly.

To streamline, you must recognize organizational waste when you see it. Some examples are: duplicate effort, unequal workload distribution, illogical task sequence, missed deadlines, poor workmanship, excessive delays, needless tasks, and positions having no productive value.

You have several methods available for identifying waste. You can review organization charts, prepare flowcharts, collect statistics, perform Pareto analysis, distribute questionnaires, and interview people. Using the information you acquire, you can then develop solutions that streamline your organization.

The benefits of process streamlining are obvious. It reduces waste and shortens the delivery cycle. It also increases output. Finally, it improves morale by lowering frustration.

image for Process Streamlining

  • image Encourage the people doing the work to participate.
  • image Document the existing process as a narrative or graphic.
  • image Identify areas of potential waste.
  • image Develop a more efficient and effective process.
  • image Perform a comparative analysis between the existing and proposed, or new, process.
  • image Communicate the results.
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