Just-in-time (JIT) is a delivery approach for materials. Although used in the manufacturing arena, it is applicable to other environments, including service industries.

JIT is predicated on the following principles.

  • image Small lot sizes are better than carrying large inventories.
  • image Waste is negative.
  • image Long setup times are bad.
  • image Quality is important.
  • image Reliable production schedules are necessary.
  • image Good customer-supplier relationships are important.
  • image Employee involvement is critical.

JIT offers many advantages. It keeps inventory low, reduces inspection costs, and streamlines product or service delivery processes. It also solidifies relationships with users and improves quality. Further, it emphasizes a pull (customer-driven) rather than push (manufacturer-driven) provision of services.

image for Just-in-Time Delivery

  • image Prepare for cultural change.
  • image Develop reliable production schedules.
  • image Institute reliable, quality measures (e.g., statistical process control).
  • image Establish a good working relationship with suppliers.
  • image Obtain the involvement of people affected by the JIT delivery system.
  • image Keep order quantities small.
  • image Track performance of processes.
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