Just about any project involving two or more people requires POSDCORB, which stands for planning, organizing, staffing, directing, coordinating, reporting, and budgeting.

Planning entails deciding what tasks to perform, then determining their logical sequence and the time allotted to do them; organizing, defining organizational structure and responsibilities; staffing, acquiring people to fulfill organizational structures and responsibilities; directing, making decisions; coordinating, ensuring that all activities and events occur smoothly; reporting, obtaining useful feedback; and budgeting, designating or allocating monies to make the project happen. Failure to perform one or more of these tasks can seriously impair the progress of your project.

One benefit of POSDCORB is that it is easy to remember. Another is that it has been applied successfully in the past.

image for Implementing POSDCORB

  • image Identify all major planning activities.
  • image Identify all major organizing activities.
  • image Identify all staffing activities.
  • image Identify all directing activities.
  • image Identify all coordinating activities.
  • image Identify all reporting activities.
  • image Identify all budgetary activities.
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