The scattergram is a graph that identifies the relationship between two variables. It consists of an x-axis (horizontal), a y-axis (vertical), and plots that reflect instances of axial relationships.

The scattergram offers several benefits. It is not only easy to build, but it is also easy to interpret. It can also show the relationship between two variables and can identify anomalies. Finally, it can identify the measure of central tendency, or average.

image for Building and Interpreting a Scattergram

  • image Identify the two variables.
  • image Draw the x- and y-axes, reflecting cumulative graduations of scale.
  • image Record the instances of the relationship between the two variables.
  • image Plot the data.
  • image Draw a line that bisects the main body of the plots to reflect the average.
    • image Note: Observe all anomalies (plots outside the main body).
  • image Conduct further research to identify the contributors to the average and the anomalies.


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