Total quality management (TQM), also referred to as total quality control (TQC), is a comprehensive approach for improving processes to satisfy the customers’ needs, specifications, and so forth.

One of the fundamental principles of TQM is focusing on the customer. Other principles include exercising continuous improvement of processes, relying on facts and data to make improvements, documenting processes, obtaining employee involvement (especially key people involved with the processes), and maintaining good customer-supplier relationships.

Some of the tools and techniques for doing TQM include:

  • image benchmarking
  • image data analysis
  • image Deming Wheel
  • image flowcharting
  • image interviewing
  • image statistical process control.

TQM offers several advantages. It encourages better relationships with suppliers and promotes a greater understanding of processes and the big picture. It also provides for continuous improvement. Finally, it encourages ownership from the people doing the work.

image for Implementing Total Quality Management

  • image Document processes.
  • image Encourage participation from the people doing the work.
  • image Establish standards to measure against.
  • image Focus on the customer (e.g., defining requirements).
  • image Institute cultural changes (e.g., education, training).
  • image Communicate the results.
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