Web and PC-based technology have enabled videoconferencing to acquire a greater presence in the business environment. No longer is videoconferencing restricted to large, high-technology centers. With the right camera hardware, software, and network environment, people can talk and see others in real-time over greater distances.

Videoconferencing offers many benefits. It enables faster communications, encourages greater teamwork, and reduces opportunities for misunderstandings. Videoconferencing, however, can never replace face-to-face communications. This is because the levels of intimacy and intuition that prove useful to meetings are impossible to achieve in a videoconferencing session.

image for Using Videoconferencing

  • image Ensure that the technology exists at all locations.
  • image Use scheduled times for transmission.
  • image Recognize that videoconferencing is an inferior substitute for face-to-face communications.
  • image Keep the dialogue focused on the subject.
  • image Apply other technologies (e.g., whiteboards) to supplement image and audio transfers.
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