Charts and graphs are visual ways to display data. Some examples of charts and graphs include line graphs, bar charts, pie charts, histograms, flowcharts, and maps.

At a minimum, an effective chart or graph should be clear (that is, uncluttered and readable) and concise and should require little or no explanation. It should also include a title, legend, and date.

Charts and graphs provide many benefits. They can communicate information more effectively than text and can display information more compactly. They also ease analysis and evaluation.

image for Developing Charts and Graphs

  • image Determine the purpose.
  • image Define the audience.
  • image Determine the type (e.g., line graphs, bar chart).
  • image Prepare the chart or graph, ensuring clarity and conciseness.
  • image Add a title, legend, and date.
  • image If used in a presentation, ensure the audience can see and read it.
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