In today’s high-technology environment, we are continuously barraged with noises from people and machines. After awhile, we become desensitized to the noise, commonly called tuning out. We still hear, but we stop listening. This can start affecting our work performance—all the more reason to have good listening skills. However, listening requires great discipline.

Listening is advantageous because it enables collecting a large amount of information. It also enables determining what is and what is not important. Finally, it avoids misunderstandings, and it builds bridges rather than walls.

image for Effective Listening

  • image Focus on the message, not on the individual.
  • image Avoid making distracting mannerisms or comments.
  • image Maintain eye contact.
  • image Use expressions that communicate you are listening.
  • image Do less talking and more listening.
  • image Empathize, don’t sympathize.
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