Introduction to PyAIML

PyAIML is an open source Python AIML interpreter written completely in pure Python without using any third-party dependencies. The module will read all the patterns of AIML from memory and build a directed pattern tree. The backtracking depth-first search algorithm is implemented in this module for pattern matching.

Now, we can check whether we can install PyAIML on our system. The PyAIML module can be installed on Linux, Windows, and Mac OS X. There are prebuilt binaries of PyAIML available on Ubuntu and the source code of this module is also available on GitHub. Currently, we are working with Python version 2.7, or anything less than 2.8, to install PyAIML.

Installing PyAIML on Ubuntu 14.04.2

PyAIML can be installed on Ubuntu using the apt-get command. The binaries are available on the Ubuntu package repositories. The Python version we are working with is 2.7.6 and the PyAIML version we are installing is 0.86. The following command will install PyAIML on Ubuntu 14.04.2:

$ sudo apt-get install python-aiml

You should install Git to get the source code. Also, you should have Python version 2.7 or greater than 2.7 and less than 2.8. We require the latest version of the module if we are performing the installation via source code.

Installing PyAIML from source code

We can retrieve the source code module using the following git command:

$ git clone git://

After cloning the code, change the directory to a cloned directory named pyaiml:

$ cd pyaiml

Install the module using the following command:

$ sudo python install
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