Installing LibreCAD, Blender, and MeshLab

LibreCAD is a free, open source 2D CAD application for Windows, OS X, and Linux. Blender is a free, open source 3D computer graphics software used to create 3D models, animation, and video games. It comes with a GPL license as per which users can share, modify, and distribute the application. MeshLab is an open source, portable, and extensible system to process and edit unstructured 3D triangular meshes.

The following are the links to install LibreCAD in Windows, Linux, and OS X:


We can find the documentation on LibreCAD at the following link:

Installing LibreCAD

The installation procedure for all operating systems is provided. If you are an Ubuntu user, you can simply install it from the Ubuntu Software Centre as well.

Installing Blender

Visit the following download page to install Blender for your OS platform: You can find the latest version of Blender here. Also, you can find the latest documentation on Blender at

If you are using Ubuntu/Linux, you can simply install Blender via Ubuntu Software Centre.

Installing MeshLab

MeshLab is available for all OS platforms. The following link will provide you the download links of prebuilt binaries and source code of MeshLab:

If you are an Ubuntu user, you can install MeshLab from an apt package manager using the following command:

$sudo apt-get install meshlab
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