Configuring ChefBot PC and setting ChefBot ROS packages

In ChefBot, we are using Intel's NUC PC to handle the robot sensor data and its processing. After procuring the NUC PC, we have to install Ubuntu 14.04.2 or the latest updates of 14.04 LTS. After the installation of Ubuntu, install complete ROS and its packages we mentioned in the previous chapters. We can configure this PC separately, and after the completion of all the settings, we can put this in to the robot. The following are the procedures to install ChefBot packages on the NUC PC.

Clone ChefBot's software packages from GitHub using the following command:

$ git clone

We can clone the code in our laptop and copy the chefbot folder to Intel's NUC PC. The chefbot folder consists of the ROS packages of ChefBot. In the NUC PC, create a ROS catkin workspace, copy the chefbot folder and move it inside the src directory of the catkin workspace.

Build and install the source code of ChefBot by simply using the following command This should be executed inside the catkin workspace we created:

$ catkin_make

If all dependencies are properly installed in NUC, then the ChefBot packages will build and install in this system. After setting the ChefBot packages on the NUC PC, we can switch to the embedded code for ChefBot. Now, we can connect all the sensors in Launchpad. After uploading the code in Launchpad, we can again discuss ROS packages and how to run it. The cloned code from GitHub contains Tiva C LaunchPad code, which is going to be explained in the upcoming section.

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