Activity – improve the team's ability to self-assess

Over and above the team's usual Sprint Review and Retrospective, they will start to look for feedback about how they are performing in their environment.

Individuals, at this phase of the team formation, will feel comfortable about asking for direct feedback from their fellow team members.

The 360 Hotseat Review is an extension of the 360 Review format, but instead of getting feedback anonymously, our team members gain direct feedback from each other. It takes the following format:

Activity: 360 Hotseat Review

What you will need: Some privacy in a space big enough for your team. A chair for each team member. 

Arrange the chairs in a format similar to the one shown in the following diagram:

Follow these steps to facilitate the session:
  1. Explain that each person will take it in turns to sit in the hot seat.
  2. The team members sitting in the circle will make statements that answer one of the following questions:
    • What is one thing the person sitting in the hot seat does that improves the outcome for the team?
    • What is one thing the person sitting in the hot seat could do that would improve the outcome for the team?
  3. The person in the hot seat can only answer with one of the following statements: "you're welcome" or "thank you." 
  4. Ask for a volunteer to take the hotseat.
  5. Timebox feedback to 5 minutes.
  6. Once the timebox is up, the team member leaves the hotseat.
  7. As for the next hot seat volunteer, repeat until everyone (including you) has taken a turn.

It will be initially unnerving for any team who hasn't tried this form of feedback before. As the facilitator, perhaps take the hotseat first to demonstrate by example, this will hopefully help alleviate any fears.

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