Dashboards versus reports

Executives and high-level stakeholders require a holistic yet streamlined view of the top metrics, or Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), established by their organization. While Power BI reports deliver a rich, self-service analytical experience, optionally at a very detailed level, Power BI dashboards provide an integrated and simplified consumption layer. From a technical architecture standpoint, Power BI dashboards are exclusive to the Power BI online service and are primarily composed of tiles representing visuals from one or many reports. Although each Power BI report is limited to a single source dataset, a dashboard's tiles can represent multiple datasets from highly disparate sources to help provide a 360 degree view on a single canvas.

To less experienced users and BI team members, the terms and capabilities associated with dashboards and reports can be misunderstood.

For example, the data-driven alert is exclusive to Power BI dashboards, while embedding in SharePoint online is specific to reports. More fundamentally, the user experience with slicer selections, bookmarks, and cross-highlighting available in reports and Power BI Desktop is not available in dashboards, exclusive of pinned live report pages.

Although several capabilities, such as email subscriptions and printing, are common to reports and dashboards, BI teams are well served to design dashboards and reports according to their distinct roles in Power BI. For example, a dashboard should not contain granular details or complex visuals, but rather the essential metrics describing the stakeholder's area of responsibility or influence. 

The following table compares dashboards to reports across 19 capabilities:

Visualization pages
One page
One or multiple pages
Authoring environment
Power BI service
Power BI Desktop and Power BI service
Viewing environment
Power BI service and Power BI mobile apps
Power Desktop, Power BI service, and Power BI mobile apps
Can pin existing dashboard tiles to other dashboards in the current workspace
Can pin report visualizations as tiles in dashboards, and can also pin report pages as tiles in dashboards
Email subscriptions
Can subscribe to a dashboard
Can subscribe to a report page or multiple report pages
Can only filter or interact with live report page tiles
Can filter, cross-highlight, and slice
Data alerts
Can configure data-driven alerts for standard KPI, card, and gauge tiles
Can’t set alerts on report visuals
Can alter layout, tile size, names, and links, and also the data and visualization types are read-only
Can control visual types, visualization data field inputs, and report formatting in Edit mode of the Power BI service and Power BI Desktop
Natural language queries (Q and A)
Available for dashboards based on import mode Power BI datasets and Live connections to SSAS Tabular Models.Not available for DirectQuery datasets
Currently available as a preview in Power BI Desktop
Visibility to data detail
Can export data for a dashboard tile
Can export both summarized and underlying data, also have Show Data option to view data of visual in a tabular format.
Can print currently-selected dashboard
Can print current report page
Featured and favorites
A dashboard can be set as featured and as a favorite. A user's default landing page in Power BI is a featured dashboard. 
Reports can only be set as favorites
Publish to web
Not supported—exclusive to reports
All pages of a report can be published online for public access
Embed in SharePoint
Not supported—exclusive to reports
A report page can be embedded in a SharePoint online site page via the Power BI web part
Mobile optimized
Can optimize dashboards for phones
Can optimize reports for phones
Create visuals
Limited to adding tiles containing text, image, video, web content, and streaming data
Can create many report visuals using both standard and custom visuals
Dataset sources
A dashboard can contain tiles pinned from Excel Workbooks, SSRS, and Power BI datasets
A Power BI report exclusively creates Power BI visuals
The tiles on a dashboard can reflect one or multiple datasets
A Power BI report is limited to a single source dataset, however, this dataset can represent the integration of multiple data sources
Data caching
Dashboard tiles store and represent cached query results, and the cache is updated on a schedule
Power BI reports generate queries against their source dataset when opened and based on user interactions with the visuals


Per the preceding table, data-driven alerts are exclusive to Power BI dashboards in the Power BI service. Data alerts and their corresponding notifications are not available to Power BI reports, including reports published to the Power BI Report Server. The ability to embed custom alert rules and the deep integration of data alerts with the Power BI mobile apps is a top reason to leverage dashboards in the Power BI service. Data alerts and email subscriptions to reports and dashboards in the Power BI service is reviewed in Chapter 11, Creating Power BI Apps and Content Distribution.

The subsequent sections of this chapter describe many core dashboard features and capabilities including dashboard tiles, mobile optimizations, and alternative sources, including Excel and SSRS.

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