Specialized networks

In this section, we will cover some basic specialized probabilistic graph models that are very useful in different machine learning applications.

Tree augmented network

In Chapter 2, Practical Approach to Real-World Supervised Learning, we discussed the Naïve Bayes network, which makes the simplified assumption that all variables are independent of each other and only have dependency on the target or the class variable. This is the simplest Bayesian network derived or assumed from the dataset. As we saw in the previous sections, learning complex structures and parameters in Bayesian networks can be difficult or sometimes intractable. The tree augmented network or TAN (References [9]) can be considered somewhere in the middle, introducing constraints on how the trees are connected. TAN puts a constraint on features or variable relationships. A feature can have only one other feature as parent in addition to the target variable, as illustrated in the following figure:

Tree augmented network

Figure 17. Tree augmented network showing comparison with Naïve Bayes and Bayes network and the constraint of one parent per node.

Input and output

Inputs are the training dataset D with all the features as variables {X, Y..}. The features have discrete outcomes, if they don't need to be discretized as a pre-processing step.

Outputs are TAN as Bayesian network with CPTs.

How does it work?

  1. Compute mutual information between every pair of variables from the training dataset.
  2. Build an undirected graph with each node being the variable and edge being the mutual information between them.
  3. Create a maximum weighted spanning tree.
  4. Transform the spanning tree to a directed graph by selecting the outcome or the target variable as the root and having all the edges flowing in the outwards direction.
  5. If there is no directed edge between the class variable and other features, add it.
  6. Compute the CPTs based on the DAG or TAN constructed previously.

Advantages and limitations

  • It is more accurate than Naïve Bayes in many practical models. It is less complex and faster to build and compute than complete Bayes networks.

Markov chains

Markov Chains are specialized probabilistic graph models, with directed graphs containing loops. Markov chains can be seen as extensions of automata where the weights are probabilities of transition. Markov chains are useful to model temporal or sequence of changes that are directly observable. See (References [12]) for further study.

Figure 17 represents a Markov chain (first order) and the general definition can be given as a stochastic process consisting of

Nodes as states, Markov chains.

Edges representing transition probabilities between the states or nodes. It is generally represented as a matrix Markov chains, which is a N X N matrix where N is the number of nodes or states. The value of Markov chains captures the transition probability to node ql given the state qk. The rows of matrix add to 1 and the values of Markov chains.

Initial probabilities of being in the state, p = {p1, p2, … pN}.

Thus, it can be written as a triple M= (Q, A, p) and the probability of being in any state only depends on the last state (first order):

Markov chains

The joint probability:

Markov chains
Markov chains

Figure 18. First-order Markov chain

Hidden Markov models

In many real-world situations, the events we are interested in are not directly observable. For example, the words in sentences are observable, but the part-of-speech that generated the sentence is not. Hidden Markov models (HMM) help us in modeling such states where there are observable events and hidden states (References [13]). HMM are widely used in various modeling applications for speech recognition, language modeling, time series analysis, and bioinformatics applications such as DNA/protein sequence predictions, to name a few.

Hidden Markov models

Figure 19. Hidden Markov model showing hidden variables and the observables.

Hidden Markov models can be defined again as a triple Hidden Markov models, where:

  • is a set of finite states or symbols that are observed. Hidden Markov models
  • Q is a set of finite states that are not observed Hidden Markov models.
  • T are the parameters.

The state transition matrix, given as Hidden Markov models captures the probability of transition from state qk to ql.

Emission probabilities capturing relationships between the hidden and observed state, given as Hidden Markov models and b ? ?. Hidden Markov models.

Initial state distribution p = {p1, p2, … pN}.

Thus, a path in HMM consisting of a sequence of hidden states Q = {q1, q2, … qL} is a first order Markov chain M= (Q, A, p). This path in HMM emits a sequence of symbols, x1, x2, xL, referred to as the observations. Thus, knowing both the observations and hidden states the joint probability is:

Hidden Markov models

In real-world situations, we only know the observations x and do not know the hidden states q. HMM helps us to answer the following questions:

  • What is the most likely path that could have generated the observation x?
  • What is the probability of x?
  • What is the probability of being in state qi = k given the observation ?

Most probable path in HMM

Let us assume the observations x = x1, x2, xL and we want to find the path Most probable path in HMM that generated the observations. This can be given as:

Most probable path in HMM

The path q* need not be unique, but for computation and explanation the assumption of the unique path is often made. In a naïve way, we can compute all possible paths of length L of q and chose the one(s) with the highest probability giving exponential computing terms or speed. More efficient is using Viterbi's algorithm using the concept of dynamic programming and recursion. It works on the simple principle of breaking the equation into simpler terms as:

Most probable path in HMM
Most probable path in HMM
Most probable path in HMM

Here, Most probable path in HMM and Most probable path in HMM Given the initial condition Most probable path in HMM and using dynamic programming with keeping pointer to the path, we can efficiently compute the answer.

Posterior decoding in HMM

The probability of being in a state qi = k given the observation x can be written using Bayes theorem as:

Posterior decoding in HMM

The numerator can be rewritten as:

Posterior decoding in HMM
Posterior decoding in HMM
Posterior decoding in HMM
Posterior decoding in HMM

Where Posterior decoding in HMM is called a Forward variable and Posterior decoding in HMM is called a Backward variable.

The computation of the forward variable is similar to Viterbi's algorithm using dynamic programming and recursion where summation is done instead:

Posterior decoding in HMM
Posterior decoding in HMM
Posterior decoding in HMM

The probability of observing x can be, then

Posterior decoding in HMM

The forward variable is the joint probability and the backward variable is a conditional probability:

Posterior decoding in HMM
Posterior decoding in HMM
Posterior decoding in HMM

It is called a backward variable as the dynamic programming table is filled starting with the Lth column to the first in a backward manner. The backward probabilities can also be used to compute the probability of observing x as:

Posterior decoding in HMM
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