
The purpose of a Container is to group elements inside a shared space and allow you to have better control over those elements inside. Containers can be added both as Tiled or Floating (in the end it's your decision, and both solutions work fine). They can be Horizontal or Vertical. The following screenshots will help you see the difference. First, here's an example of a Horizontal Container:

And here's an example of a Vertical Container:

When you add a Container, it'll be empty. Then, you can drag and drop Worksheets or objects inside the Container. You can also add another Container inside a Container, and so on; it's a good practice that I advise you to adopt.

To select the parent layout Container, you can click on Select Layout Container among the options (available with a click on the small arrow from a select element), or you can also simply double-click on the grip part of every element, as highlighted in the following screenshot:

Another way to select a specific Container is to use the Item hierarchy in the Layout pane.

Containers act like the other elements in a Dashboard. The only difference is that their outline is blue when selected (while the other items are grey). 

So why exactly are Containers a good solution? First, every element inside a Container has two great new options:

  • Fix Width for Horizontal Container or Fix Height for Vertical Container. If this option is ticked, the width/height of the element will not change. So if you change the size of your Dashboard or add new elements, the size of the fixed item won't move.
In a Container, you should always have, at least, one element whose width/height is not fixed so it can fill the space or shrink.
  • Edit Width... for Horizontal Container or Edit Height... for Vertical Container. This option allows you to set a specific width/height, in pixels, for every element inside the Container. Did you want pixel-perfect options as you had with the Floating Layout? You have it! 

The second reason is that among the Container options, you'll find Distribute Evenly, which you can see in the following screenshot:

If you select this option, every element inside the Container will have the same width (or height, depending on the Container type) and will resize if you add another item and change the size of the Dashboard. 

With Containers, you can set the size of any element to the last pixels, or distribute them evenly. By adding Containers into Containers, you can use all those features at the same time. 

Now, let's look at creating your very first Dashboard, the proper way.

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