About the reviewers


Ivett Kovács was always very comfortable with data—after majoring in statistics, she started working as a data analyst. She was one of the first Hungarian power users of Tableau Desktop, 2012, and has been mastering Tableau ever since. Currently, she is Starschema's senior data visualization expert, leading a team of 10+ dataviz developers.

She is not only Tableau certified, but has also been a Tableau Ambassador since 2017. She is also a featured volunteer with Viz for Social Good. She has been developing several Tableau dashboards on various social topics—the refugee crisis and gender inequality in tech companies and political institutions. Ivett has been writing a book for Packt Publishing, Tableau 2018.x Projects.     







Dilyana Bossenz works as a data analyst. Her professional focus is on data visualization and data analysis. She has a master's degree in business administration. She discovered her passion for data in 2014 at a workshop at Google when she was still a student. After that, she wrote a master's thesis about big data. She gained her first experience in Tableau as a four years intern in business intelligence. She is co-organizer of Tableau User Group and local chapter leader for Viz for Social Good in Berlin. In February 2018, she was recognized as a Tableau Feature Author.








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