
In this chapter, you first learned how to build a visualization with more than two Measures using Dual Axis, Measure Names, and Measure Values. The second section was about Filters and how to use them to your advantage to focus on the right data. Then, we looked at Pages and how to add interactivity to Tableau! To finish, we saw an overview of the most useful options, where to find them, and how to use them. 

If we combine its two parts, this chapter is the longest and most important one in the book. It's the core of Tableau and where you'll spend a major part of your time. I'm sure you'll enjoy building many different visualizations to find the ones that make your data shine. 

Once you find the best visualizations to understand your data and answer your questions, it's time to assemble them in a Dashboard. You probably guessed where this is going. The next chapter is about building Dashboards, how to create them and make them interactive, and, of course, this will be a chapter containing all the best advice and lots of examples.

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