Guided tutorial with Pages

Ready to play with Pages and animate your visualization? Follow these steps:

  1. Put Discount in ColumnsProfit in Rows, and Segment in Color.
  2. To see the points more easily, change the Marks type to Circle rather than Shapes. The visualization should look like this:
  1. Put Order Date in Pages. By default, the visualization is now filtered into 2015. You can use the arrows to look at the other years or use the animation buttons.
  2. Verify that the Show history box is selected and open the menu.
  3. Configure Show history to display only the Trails of the last 5 Marks for All the Marks, as shown in the following screenshot:
  1. Use the slider to go to 2018. You should now see the trails of each segment and do some analysis. You can see that the Home Office and Consumer segments have constantly increased in profit, but not Corporate. You can also clearly see how the average discounts have increased from 2015 to 2017 in the Home Office segment. Here's the final result:
Pages are great for presentation. You can give life to your visualization. If you want to see concrete, real-life use of Pages, I advise you to look at the Iron Viz 2017 competition on YouTube: ;-)

We have seen all the different shelves available in Tableau. To conclude this chapter, let's take a look at the various options in a Worksheet.

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