Simple transformations

Tableau is not a data-preparation tool. It's always better to have a clean file to start with. However, Tableau offers some simple transformation tools. When you connect to a dataset, you can, for example, use the Data Interpreter, split a column into multiple columns, or pivot your data. Let's see a case for these transformations.

For this section, I created a dataset to clean in Excel, as illustrated here:

If you want to reproduce the example, you can download the Dataset to clean  file from my website, section in the Chapter 4: Connect To Data and Simple Transformation section, or use this direct link:

Three things are problematic with this dataset:

  • There is a column header for the years
  • The countries and the cities are in the same column
  • Each year is in a different column, preventing the creation of a simple line chart

Now, let's fix the first problem of this dataset with the Data Interpreter!

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