Sales and profit by sub-categories – bar chart

The first question we'll answer is: what are the product sub-categories that generate the most sales and profits? Let's find out how to do that:

  1. Double-click on Sales in the Data Source. You should now see one bar. If you put the mouse over the bar, you should read Sales: 2,297,201. As a measure is always aggregated, here you can see the sum of all the sales.
  2. On the Data Source, double-click on Sub-Category. The sub-categories now split the bar. A quick look can tell you that Chairs and Phones are the best-selling products:
  1. On the toolbar, click on the Swap icon: .This way it's easier to read the sub-categories. We can do even better by clicking on the descending Sort icon  to show this:

Now the sub-categories are sorted, and it's effortless to answer questions such as What are the top three sub-categories?, What are the bottom three sub-categories?, and How do tables perform compared to bookcases?

  1. Sales often come with Profits. In Tableau, it's straightforward to use pre-attentive attributes (Color, Size, Shape, and so on) to add secondary information. Here, simply drag and drop Profit in Color:

Tableau automatically uses a diverging color palette: orange for negative values and blue for positive. Now we can also see that Tables, Bookcases, and Supplies lose the company money.

Tableau's default color choice is adapted for colorblind people. People usually use red and green for negative and positive values. In data visualization, it's the wrong color choice because colorblind people can't see the difference. If the only way to understand something is by its color, be sure that everyone can see the difference.
  1. Double-click on Sheet 1, at the very bottom, next to the Data Source tab, and rename the Worksheet Sales and Profit by Sub-Category. It's crucial to give a name to each of your Worksheets in Tableau. 

A few clicks and one drag and drop later, you just created your first visualization in Tableau, congratulations! Ready for the next one?

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