Installing and configuring OmniPITR

Up until now, we've been managing WAL files with tools such as cp or rsync. Our end goal was to transmit these to a backup server so that the WAL files were safe long term in case we needed them for PITR recovery. As a bonus, the backup server is a central location that can be committed to tape regularly so that our PostgreSQL databases are preserved so long as we retain the tapes.

While this is a valid and functional approach, logging options, debugging, and flexibility are somewhat limited. Regular operating-system tools are not designed specifically to process PostgreSQL WAL files. Though we can use them for that purpose, there are better utilities available. OmniPITR is a powerful toolkit developed by OmniTI to manage PostgreSQL backup, restore, and WAL files.

This recipe will focus on installing OmniPITR so that we can use it later.

Getting ready

At the time of writing this book, the most recent version of OmniPITR is 1.3.2. In order to install it, we would like to introduce the PostgreSQL Extension Network (PGXN). PGXN is a site that attempts to collect PostgreSQL-related tools and extensions in a single place to simplify usage. PGXN is located at

PGXN provides a command-line tool named pgxn to access the PGXN repository, which we can install with Python's setuptools. Use this command to install pgxn:

sudo easy_install pgxnclient

How to do it...

For this procedure, we will continue to use two servers. The backup server will still be named pg-backup, and our primary PostgreSQL server is still pg-primary. Make sure to have the password for the postgres system user.

Follow these steps to install OmniPITR on both pg-backup and pg-primary:

  1. Download OmniPITR using the pgxn utility with this command:
    pgxn download omnipitr
  2. Unzip and relocate the OmniPITR files with these commands as a root-capable user:
    cd omnipitr-1.3.2
    sudo cp bin/* /usr/local/bin
    sudo cp -R lib/OmniPITR /usr/local/lib
    sudo cp -R doc /usr/local
  3. Check the OmniPITR installation with the following command:
  4. As the postgres user on pg-primary, generate an RSA key pair and transmit it to pg-backup with these commands:
    ssh-keygen -t rsa -N ''
    ssh-copy-id postgres@pg-backup
  5. As the postgres user on pg-backup, generate an RSA key pair and transmit it to pg-primary with these commands:
    ssh-keygen -t rsa -N ''
    ssh-copy-id postgres@pg-primary

How it works...

Unlike some other toolkits, OmniPITR is purely a set of command-line utilities. As such, its authors never created a proper installation process. With this in mind, we start by downloading the latest omnipitr package from PGXN. Unlike the omnipitr package's install parameter, the download parameter simply retrieves the indicated package and saves it in the local directory.

With the archive saved locally, we begin by extracting its contents and entering the resulting directory. OmniPITR itself is the collection of tools located in the bin/ directory, so we move those files into /usr/local/bin for easy invocation. Due to the way OmniPITR was written, it searches for the doc/ and lib/ directories at the same level as the bin/ directory. This means that the utilities should work if we copy the contents of these directories to /usr/local as well.


The doc/ directory is important for one simple reason: usage. As OmniPITR has no traditional manual pages, the only way to view help for each command is with the --help or --man parameter. This will only work if we install the doc/ directory where OmniPITR expects to find it.

Next, we should verify that OmniPITR is properly installed and will function as expected. It is distributed with a file named, which we installed with the other files in the bin/ directory. If we execute this command, it will examine various resources and produce a report. The report for our test system looked like this:

How it works...

Provided the sanity check succeeded, we still need to facilitate communication between pg-backup and pg-primary. To do that, we generate an RSA key pair on each server as the postgres user and send it to the other system. We've performed this task before, so it should come as no surprise now. We do this so that automated tools can transmit files securely.


At this point in the book, it is extremely likely that you already have an SSH key for the postgres user on pg-primary. If that's the case, you only need to use the ssh-copy-id command to ensure that the key is located on pg-backup. Don't overwrite the key you already have!

See also

Both OmniPITR's documentation and the software itself are available on PGXN. To view their installation and usage documents, please use the following URLs:

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