Getting to know check_postgres

Our friends at Bucardo created a useful, general purpose PostgreSQL checking utility. The check_postgres tool currently has an inventory of more than 50 checks to monitor PostgreSQL servers.

While this is an exceptionally useful tool, integrating it into our overall stack is necessary to fully take advantage of its capabilities. This recipe will cover the basic usage and integration with Nagios for easy PostgreSQL monitoring of large database clusters.

Getting ready

Though some Linux distributions package the check_postgres utility for easy installation, the versions that are included are usually very old. We recommend that you obtain a copy of the latest check_postgres source code. At the time of writing this book, the latest version is 2.21.0, released on September 24, 2013. Obtain the latest copy of the check_postgres source code from

As we want to use Nagios to execute the check_postgres, please follow the steps in the Configuring Nagios to monitor a database host recipe to produce a working installation with a basic database host configuration. We will be making further modifications to the db_conf.cfg file introduced there.

How to do it...

Install check_postgres by following these steps:

  1. Use these commands to extract the check_postgres source and enter the source directory:
    tar -xzf check_postgres-2.21.0.tar.gz
    cd check_postgres-2.21.0/
  2. Next, build and install the actual software with these commands:
    perl Makefile.PL
    sudo make install

As the postgres user on a PostgreSQL server, try using these commands to obtain database information:

  1. Check the state of the database size with this command: --action=database_size -w 100MB -c 200MB
  2. Create a large table by executing this SQL as the postgres user in the postgres database:
    CREATE TABLE bigtable AS
    SELECT generate_series(1,1000000) AS vals;
  3. Cause a critical alert by executing this command: --action=table_size -w 10MB -c 20MB

Integrate into Nagios by following these steps:

  1. Create a command section in the db_conf.cfg file with this content:
    define command {
      command_name  check_pg
      command_line  /usr/local/bin/ -H $HOSTADDRESS$ --action $ARG1$ -w $ARG2$ -c $ARG3$
  2. Create a service section in the db_conf.cfg file that looks like this:
    define service {
      use                  generic-service
      hostgroup_name       pg-servers
      service_description  PostgreSQL Database Size
      check_command        check_pg!database_size!100MB!200MB
  3. Reload the Nagios configuration files:
    • Debian-based servers should use this command: sudo service nagios3 reload
    • Red-Hat-based servers should use this command: sudo service nagios reload

How it works...

This recipe comes in three parts because we're doing three distinctly different things. Installing check_postgres itself is actually very easy. The entirety of the utility is contained within a single file, so we can simply move to a suitable location in our PATH environment setting. However, we suggest that you use the standard installation process as we did.


While executing sudo make install, look for this line near the end:

Installing /usr/local/bin/

This will indicate where the script is located. Ours was installed in /usr/local/bin, but yours may be elsewhere.

Next, we try a couple of basic commands to ensure that check_postgres works. The first command makes use of the database_size action and alerts us if our database is larger than the warning (-w) or critical (-c) thresholds that we set. The table_size action performs a similar task but applies the thresholds to every table in the database. By default, check_postgres connects to the postgres database, so we placed a large table there to trigger a critical alert. The output is very large as it lists every table, but it should begin like this:

POSTGRES_TABLE_SIZE CRITICAL: DB "postgres" (host: largest table is "public.bigtable": 35 MB

As we have verified that the check works, we want Nagios to invoke it instead. This removes the need to create ad hoc invocations and allows us to search for large tables on all the database servers that Nagios is monitoring.

We will start the process by adding a command to Nagios in the db_conf.cfg file we created for our single test server. Remember where was installed, because we need to specify the full path to the script, just in case it's not part of the standard PATH environment. We will set the first argument to set the action we want to perform and reserve the second and third for the warning and critical levels respectively. By making our check_pg command so generic, we can use it for every action that check_postgres supports. Otherwise, we would have needed a separate command section for each check.

Then, we will add a service check. We will need to add one of these for each check_postgres action that we want to enact. In our example, we only enabled the database_size check and applied the same thresholds that we used when manually invoking the script. By reloading the Nagios configuration files, it will incorporate the new PostgreSQL database size check and apply it to any server that we have in the pg-servers group.

There's more...

Though the documentation explains all the actions available for check_postgres, it may be inconvenient to refer to it regularly. Though the script accepts the usual --help parameter, it has a notable ability as well. If we specify the --man parameter instead, check_postgres will actually display the entire manual. This is similar to investigating the check_postgres man page like this:

man check_postgres

Sometimes, man pages don't get installed properly or are not available for one reason or another. The --man parameter should always work on any system that also contains the perl documentation package.

See also

As check_postgres is developed by Bucardo, their site contains various resources related to its operation. We recommend these links for more information:

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